reaction time

The reaction time refers to the time required from the time of receiving the stimulus to the action of the body, that is, the time interval from the stimulus to the reaction. Stimulation causes the activity of the sensory organs to be transmitted to the brain via the nervous system, processed, and then transmitted from the brain to the effector to act on a certain object of the outside world. Basic Information Specialist Category: Neurological Classification: Other examinations Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: Pay attention to rest before checking. Normal value Age, gender, 1 point, 2 points, 3 points, 4 points, 5 points: 60-64 year old male 1.40-1.011.00-0.770.76-0.630.62-0.51<0.51. 60-64 year old female 1.46-1.141.13-0.840.83-0.670.66-0.55<0.55. 65-69 years old male 1.45-1.111.10-0.810.80-0.660.65-0.54<0.54. 65-69 years old female 1.63-1.221.21-0.890.88-0.690.68-0.57<0.57. Generally higher than 3 is normal. Clinical significance Abnormal results: Age, gender, 1 point, 2 points, 3 points, 4 points, 5 points: 60-64 year old male 1.40-1.011.00-0.770.76-0.630.62-0.51<0.51. 60-64 year old female 1.46-1.141.13-0.840.83-0.670.66-0.55<0.55. 65-69 years old male 1.45-1.111.10-0.810.80-0.660.65-0.54<0.54. 65-69 years old female 1.63-1.221.21-0.890.88-0.690.68-0.57<0.57. Below 3 points, the reaction is too slow and there is the possibility of dementia in the elderly. Need to check the population of the elderly. Low results may be diseases: chronic pancreatitis in children, senile dementia, elderly patients with primary liver cancer Taboo before check: pay attention to rest. Requirements for inspection: During the test, the subject should not force the signal button of the test machine. Inspection process Subjects were tested before the test machine during the reaction. After pressing the "Start" button, the color of the display light will change at some time within 20 seconds. When the color of the display light changes, press the "End" button at the fastest speed. After the previous step is completed, Record the results. Not suitable for the crowd Mentally abnormal, coma, people with heart disease. Adverse reactions and risks May cause fear.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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