worm check method

The worm inspection method is an auxiliary inspection method for detecting parasites. Take all the feces from 24 to 72 hours after taking the medicine, stir with water, filter out the feces with 40 mesh copper sieve or gauze, rinse repeatedly with water, pour into large glassware filled with water, and lining the vessel with black paper. The worms mixed in the feces were detected for identification. This phase check can be used to determine the corresponding symptoms. Basic Information Specialist classification: Infectious disease inspection and classification: feces / parasitic examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Normal value: no Above normal: negative: A negative test result indicates no parasitic infection. Positive: A positive test result indicates a parasitic infection. Tips: Before the check: Do not take anti-parasitic drugs before the test, so as not to affect the results. Normal value No parasites were found to be negative during the examination. Clinical significance Abnormal results detected the parasite body. People who need to be examined have abnormal gastrointestinal tracts. Positive results may be diseases: intestinal mites, pediatric biliary ascariasis precautions Contraindications before the test: Do not take anti-parasitic drugs before the test, so as not to affect the results. Requirements for inspection: The water can not be too strong, and the filtration time should not be too long to prevent the nematode from bursting. Inspection process The collected feces are mixed with water and mixed into a paste, and transferred to a larger glass jar or measuring cup, and water is added to fullness. After standing for 20 minutes, pour the upper layer of manure water, and then add water to the fullness. Repeat this several times until the upper layer of liquid is clear, discard the supernatant, pour the sediment into a large glass dish, and lining the black paper. This method is used to collect small worms such as hookworms, mites, whipworms, and short-stomach mites. If you are inspecting small flukes, especially the genus Schistosomiasis or Japanese larvae, you must check under the dissection microscope to avoid missing inspection. If the residue is not checked for a while, you can move it into the refrigerator at 4 °C ~ 8 °C, or add 3 %~5% of formalin solution is preserved and checked afterwards (2~3 days). Not suitable for the crowd The test was non-invasive and had no specific contraindications. Adverse reactions and risks The test is non-invasive and generally does not cause complications or other hazards.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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