Acne Aggregate


Introduction to polymeric acne Acneconglobata is a heavier type of acne. It is a multifactorial disease, mainly related to increased sebum production, hyperepithelial hyperplasia of hair follicles and proliferation of acne propioni in hair follicles. There are also certain genetic factors. . It is a multi-factor disease, mainly related to increased sebum production, hyperepithelial hyperplasia of hair follicles and proliferation of acne propioni in hair follicles. The sebaceous glands of acne patients are larger, and the secretion of sebaceous glands is more than normal. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 3% Susceptible people: more common in young and middle-aged men Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: impetigo


Causes of polymeric acne

Body factor (55%):

It is a multi-factor disease, mainly related to increased sebum production, hyperepithelial hyperplasia of hair follicles and proliferation of acne propioni in hair follicles. Sebaceous glands in acne patients are larger, sebaceous glands are secreted more than normal people, and sebaceous gland secretion is increased. The level of linoleic acid in sebum is relatively reduced, and the negative correlation between the two affects the synthesis of fat, which leads to the lack of fatty acids in the follicular epithelium, which induces excessive keratinization of the follicles, which prevents the epithelial cells from falling off normally, resulting in excessively small hair follicles. Sebum cannot be discharged smoothly. It accumulates in the mouth of the hair follicle and forms acne.

Genetic factors (45%):

The disease also has certain genetic factors. The development of sebaceous glands and the production of sebaceous glands are dominated by androgens, and the increase of androgens is affected by factors such as age, endocrine and heredity.


Polymeric acne prevention

Eat less sweets, sweet and spicy food, avoid drinking, drink plenty of water, avoid constipation, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, do not eat drugs that cause acne; reduce the factors that lead to acne health search (such as mineral oil) Young people in puberty are more unstable, sensitive, and susceptible to irritation. At this time, they pay special attention to their appearance. Therefore, they are extremely depressed and guilty about acne. They often use drugs or take inappropriate measures. Therefore, they must be relieved of their concerns and treated correctly. And guide the matters needing attention in daily life, without squeezing the damage and using the medicine correctly.


Polymeric acne complications Complications, impetigo

Fever, angle plug


Polymeric acne symptoms Common symptoms Pustular papules cysts Hypertrophic scar fatigue

More common in young and middle-aged men, occasionally seen in women, occurs in the cheeks, back and hips, slow onset, acne, pimples, pustules and cysts, etc., followed by skin lesions gradually merged into a cyst, soft touch There is a sense of undulation, and after the rupture, a stinky or mucous serous effusion is formed, forming a sinus tract, communicating with each other under the skin, and becoming atrophic or hypertrophic scar on the skin.

The patient occasionally has systemic symptoms such as fatigue, discomfort, fever, joint pain, and prolonged acute fever, especially in the stage of ulcerative damage, called acute febrile ulceriative acne conglobata.

Most of the patients were young males, mostly on the cheeks, back and hips, with cyst-based lesions, accompanied by other damage to acne.

TCM pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation: due to lung and stomach damp heat, damp heat accumulation, choroidal obstruction, qi and blood stagnation.


Examination of polymeric acne

Histopathology: hair follicle papules showed significant lymphocytic infiltration around the hair follicles mainly CD3 and CD4, part of the hair follicle wall ruptured, and formed pustules in the hair follicle, mainly containing neutrophils, infiltration around the hair follicle can develop into cysts, In addition to a large number of neutrophils, there are monocytes, plasma cells and foreign body giant cells. Keratin particles are common in the vicinity of giant cells. During the healing process, inflammatory infiltration is replaced by fibrosis, and blackheads contain keratinocytes. Sebum and certain microorganisms, in the general section, the lipids were removed by fixation, only keratinocytes were seen, and the black top of the acne was caused by melanin.


Polymeric acne diagnosis and identification

Most of the patients were young men, mostly on the cheeks, back and buttocks, with cyst-based lesions, accompanied by other damage to acne.

According to the appearance of young men and women on the face and upper chest and thoracic, scattered papules, pustules and acne, especially blackheads, chronic, it is not difficult to diagnose.

It should be differentiated from the following diseases.

1, rosacea: good for middle-aged people, damage found in the nose and the center of the face, the affected area is flushed with blood, often accompanied by telangiectasia, no blackheads.

2, acne-type drug eruption: the history of taking iodine, bromine, androgen, contraceptives and corticosteroids, damage to blackheads.

3, occupational hemorrhoids: contact with tar, oil, oil and paraffin and other medical history, often accompanied by follicular keratosis. Better than the contact parts of the back, forearms, elbows, etc.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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