Abdominal wall contusion


Abdominal wall contusion Contusionofabdominal wall refers to the separation of the soft tissue of the abdominal wall by trauma, without complete anatomical interruption. If the injury is in the direction of the spiral, the abdominal wall contusion is called the abdominal wall contusion, and the damage is more serious. Clinical diagnosis should pay attention to the removal of abdominal internal organs. Mild abdominal wall contusion is mainly treated with conservative treatment, and early surgery is suspected of active bleeding. basic knowledge The proportion of sickness: 0.01% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: hyperkalemia, arrhythmia


Abdominal wall contusion

(1) Causes of the disease

Mostly caused by blunt violence (such as butts, stones) or direct impact of heavy objects (car accident, heavy object extrusion, high drop impact).

(two) pathogenesis

Under the direct action of external force, the continuity of the local tissue in the abdominal wall is destroyed. The tiny blood vessels and lymphatic vessels in the skin, subcutaneous and even deep tissues are ruptured, the blood and lymph are extravasated, subcutaneous hemorrhage and swelling occur, and the heavier ones are smaller due to deep tissue. The blood vessels rupture and form a hematoma.


Abdominal wall contusion prevention

There is no effective preventive measure for this disease. Early detection and early diagnosis are the key to the prevention and treatment of this disease.


Abdominal wall contusion complications Complications hyperkalemia arrhythmia

Extensive contusion leads to extensive destruction of tissue cells, release of potassium ions in the cells, and hyperkalemia after absorption into the blood. Patients present with paresthesia of the limbs, tingling and mild tremors, weakness of the whole body muscles In severe cases, various types of arrhythmia can occur.


Abdominal wall contusion symptoms Common symptoms Abdominal muscle tension Right lower quadrant tenderness Microcirculatory disorder Spotted bowel

Abdominal wall contusion is a light injury in trauma, and its main manifestations are:

1. Swelling of the wound, subcutaneous congestion, local pain, tenderness: local swelling is caused by blood and lymphatic exudation, causing microcirculation disorders, and subcutaneous congestion caused by varying degrees of bleeding in the contused tissue also has the following conditions: If it is limited to the skin itself, small hemorrhagic foci are called sputum spots; intradermal and subcutaneous hemorrhages form ecchymosis; the amount of bleeding is more, oozing between layers of tissue, and accumulating local hematomas, if there is hematoma, local swelling More significantly, the pain is caused by damage to the local sensory nerve endings or by blood, lymphatic exudation, and increased abdominal pressure.

2. The muscles around the lesion are tense, the bowel sounds are normal or weakened. When the abdominal muscles are tense, the abdominal pressure increases, the pain is aggravated, and the pain is relieved when the body is lying down.

3. Severe cases may have abdominal wall muscle fiber tear and deep hematoma.

4. The general contusion has no systemic manifestations. When the contusion is extensive, the patient may have fever.


Abdominal wall contusion examination

When there is suspected organ damage or deep hematoma, it is feasible to use imaging examination, and B-mode ultrasound, X-ray film or CT scan may be used as appropriate.


Diagnostic diagnosis of abdominal wall contusion


According to the local signs of the injury site, the diagnosis of simple abdominal wall contusion is not difficult. However, because the abdominal muscle tissue is weaker than the adult, it is difficult to resist external force and often cause abdominal visceral injury. Therefore, the key to abdominal contusion is to determine whether there is any Abdominal visceral injury and combined damage in other parts, so as not to delay the treatment and cause serious consequences.

Differential diagnosis

It must be differentiated from intra-abdominal organ injury. Abdominal muscle tension and tenderness are the most important signs of abdominal organ injury. The abdominal muscle contraction action (such as sitting up), the pain has little relationship with abdominal muscle contraction, and the condition is progressive. Exacerbation, and the pain of the abdominal wall contusion is relieved when resting quietly, and the pain is obviously aggravated when the abdominal muscles contract.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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