Deep coma

Deep coma: All consciousness is lost, no response to external stimuli, all kinds of reflections disappear, and muscles in the whole body are relaxed. In deep coma, the clinical manifestations are no response to any stimulus, no spontaneous activity, loose body muscles, fixed eyeballs, dilated pupils, various reflexes disappear, and vital signs change significantly, such as irregular breathing, heart rhythm disorders, blood pressure Fluctuations, etc. Coma is the most severe disturbance of consciousness caused by a high degree of inhibition of the cerebral cortex and subcortical reticular structure, that is, a highly inhibited manifestation of continuous interruption of consciousness or complete loss of the highest level of neural activity. The coma is clinically divided into two types: shallow coma and deep coma. 1. There is only a small number of unconscious spontaneous movements in the loss of voluntary coma in superficial coma. There are avoidance reactions and painful expressions for painful stimuli (such as oppression of the upper orbital margin), but they cannot answer questions or execute simple commands. Swallowing reflex, cough reflex, corneal reflex, and pupil reflex reflect light, tendon reflex was still present, and vital signs did not change significantly. May be accompanied by delirium and agitation. 2. The spontaneous movements of the deep coma completely disappeared, the muscles were relaxed, and there was no response to external stimuli. Corneal reflex, pupil reflex, cough reflex, swallow reflex and tendon reflex. All disappeared breathing irregularities, blood pressure decreased. That is, all reactions and reflections disappear, pathological signs continue to exist or disappear, and there may be changes in vital signs. Coma is a sign of critical illness, and the cause should be actively sought and managed.

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