Physiological tremor

Physiological tremor: more common in the distal end of the limb, showing postural tremor. The magnitude of the shock was small and difficult to detect with the naked eye. If a piece of paper is placed on the back of the fingers that are stretched forward, the tremor is easier to detect. The frequency of tremor changes with age, generally about 6 times per second under the age of 9; about 10 times per second at the age of 16; the frequency of tremors begins to slow down after the age of 40, and returns to 6 seconds / around 70 second. In addition to the hand, tremor can be seen in the eyelids, tongue muscles, trunk and lower limbs. Physiological tremor is a type of benign tremor. Benign tremor, also called simple tremor, is a group of tremors without cerebral organic lesions. There are two main types of benign tremor in clinic: physiological tremor and functional tremor. Essential tremor (ET) is a common movement disorder. Also called idiopathic tremor, benign tremor.

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