Plasma osmolality test

The plasma osmotic examination is to detect the blood permeation of the human body, and is used for detecting renal function diseases together with urinary osmosis. The amount of urinary permeation is generally 600 to 100 mOsm/kg H2O (ice point osmometry method). The maximum range of 24 hours is 40-1400 mOsm/kg H2O, plasma is 300 mOsm/kg H2O, and the ratio of urine to plasma permeation is 3 to 4.7:1. Do not eat too greasy, high-protein foods the day before, and avoid heavy drinking. The alcohol content in the blood directly affects the test results. After 8 pm on the day before the medical examination, you should fast. Basic Information Specialist classification: growth and development examination classification: blood examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Common in chronic pyelonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, urinary tract obstructive nephropathy, primary glomerular disease and other diseases. Normal value: Urinary osmosis: 600-1000mOsm/kgH2O Above normal: Generally should be normal. negative: Positive: Tips: When you take blood, you should relax your mind, avoid the contraction of blood vessels caused by fear, and increase the difficulty of blood collection. Normal value The amount of urinary permeation is generally 600 to 1000 mOsm/kg H2O (ice point osmometry method). The maximum range of 24 hours is 40-1400 mOsm/kg H2O, the plasma is 300 mOsm/kg H2O, and the ratio of urine to plasma permeation is 3 to 4.71. Clinical significance Abnormal result Plasma permeation is less than 300mOsm/kgH2O, and the ratio of urinary permeation is lower than normal, such as chronic pyelonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, urinary tract obstructive nephropathy, primary glomerular disease. The people who need to be examined have edema, increased foam in the urine, hematuria, soreness in the lower back, and symptoms of high blood pressure. Low results may be diseases: polycystic kidney disease, chronic pyelonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis in the elderly Inappropriate people: People with a significant tendency to bleed. Taboo before the test: Do not eat too greasy, high-protein foods the day before the test, to avoid heavy drinking. The alcohol content in the blood directly affects the test results. After 8 pm on the day before the medical examination, you should fast. Requirements for examination: When taking blood, you should relax your mind to avoid the contraction of blood vessels caused by fear and increase the difficulty of blood collection. Inspection process The peripheral blood mainly has ear lobe blood and fingertips to take blood. The baby can take blood from the heel. The earlobe has a lighter blood pressure, but the blood volume is less, especially those with smaller earlobes are more difficult to take blood. The blood pressure of the fingertips is more obvious, but the blood collection is more, especially for the blood routine test, the stable measurement results can be obtained. The skin should be cleaned before blood collection. Do not take blood immediately after entering the room in the cold outdoor winter. After the body is warm, especially the ear drops and hands should be warmed up. Do not use hot water to heat your hands before taking blood. Keep your fingers dry. If your fingertips have wounds, paronychia, redness or skin disease, avoid using this finger. Fingertip blood collection generally uses the ring finger, because the ring finger will not affect the daily function of the hand after piercing, of course, the middle finger or index finger can also be used, no special difference. When collecting blood in the ear, remove the earrings and other hanging ornaments on the earlobe. Do not hang up immediately after blood collection. After blood collection, apply sterile cotton blocks or other disinfecting hemostatic articles to pinch the needle and puncture the area. Do not touch the dirt. Do not wash your hands immediately. Not suitable for the crowd 1. Patients taking drugs such as oxidative drugs and steroid hormones may affect the results of the examination and prohibit patients who have recently taken the drug history. 2, special diseases: patients with hematopoietic function to reduce disease, such as leukemia, various anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, etc., unless the examination is essential, try to draw less blood. Adverse reactions and risks 1, subcutaneous hemorrhage: due to pressing time less than 5 minutes or blood draw technology is not enough, etc. can cause subcutaneous bleeding. 2, discomfort: the puncture site may appear pain, swelling, tenderness, subcutaneous ecchymosis visible to the naked eye. 3, dizzy or fainting: in the blood draw, due to emotional overstress, fear, reflex caused by vagus nerve excitement, blood pressure decreased, etc. caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain caused by fainting or dizziness. 4. Risk of infection: If you use an unclean needle, you may be at risk of infection.

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