Uterine polyps


Introduction to uterine polyps Any mass that grows in the cervix, in the cervical canal, or in the uterine cavity by the slender pedicle attached to the uterine wall, can be called a uterine polyp. Therefore, a polypoid mass in the uterine cavity may be a fibroid (submucosa). The pedicle protrudes into the uterine cavity and becomes a fibroid-like polyp). Endometrial polyps are caused by excessive proliferation of the endometrium, which can occur at any age. A very common type of localized endometrial mass, which protrudes from the uterine cavity, is smooth, meaty, and has different lengths. The elderly can stand out from the cervix, and some have shorter pedicles. Smaller polyps generally have no clinical symptoms, and some exposed polyps outside the cervix are found in the bleeding after the incident. Longer pedicles can be removed by laser surgery under hysteroscopic direct vision, and the smaller polyps found at the same time are treated together. Uterine polyps are the best indication for endoscopic laser surgery. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.21% Susceptible people: women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: Infertility Cervical polyps Irregular menstruation Cervical cancer


Causes of uterine polyps

Endocrine disorders (30%):

The human body has an endocrine system that secretes various hormones and the nervous system to regulate the metabolism and physiological functions of the human body. Under normal circumstances, various hormones are balanced, such as breaking the balance for some reason (some hormones are too much or too little), which causes endocrine disorders, which will cause corresponding clinical manifestations. Endocrine disorders can occur in both men and women.

Inflammation (30%):

Inflammation is a very common and important basic pathological process. The traumatic infection of the surface and most common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases of various organs (such as sputum, sputum, pneumonia, hepatitis, nephritis, etc.) are all inflammatory diseases. A defensive response of a living tissue with a vascular system to an injury factor is called inflammation.

Estrogen levels are too high (20%):

Associated with high levels of estrogen, most scholars believe that polyps come from the immature endometrium, especially the basal intima.


Uterine polyp prevention

The main prevention and treatment measures for uterine polyps are different from other diseases. Because there are no effective preventive measures for uterine polyps, this does not mean that we do not need to prevent, regular women's disease examinations, early detection of the condition is a kind of preventive measures; Exercise, improve immunity, usually pay attention to genital hygiene, prevent vaginal inflammation and cervical erosion and other gynecological inflammation, while sexual life must be maintained. It is necessary to change personal life items frequently, and do a good job of postpartum or post-abortion health care. When you have symptoms of uterine polyps, you must go to the hospital for treatment.


Uterine polyp complications Complications Infertility Cervical polyps Irregular menstruation Cervical cancer

Large polyps or polyps that protrude into the neck tube are prone to secondary infections and necrosis, and cause bloody secretions of irregular bleeding and malodor.


Uterine polyp symptoms Common symptoms Vaginal irregular bleeding vaginal blood secretions Menstrual volume more menstrual irregular polyps leucorrhea abnormal

The disease can occur at any age after puberty, but is common in women over the age of 35. Single-end small endometrial polyps often have no clinical symptoms, often due to other diseases after the removal of the uterus, when the general examination is found, or in the diagnosis After curettage, the diagnosis is made. The multiple diffuse type is often more menorrhagia and prolonged menstruation. This is related to the increase of endometrial area and hyperplasia of the endometrium. Large polyps or polyps that protrude into the neck tube are easy to secondary infection and necrosis. Bloody secretions that cause irregular bleeding and malodor.


Examination of uterine polyps

1, gynecological examination: acute inflammation can be seen in cervical congestion and edema, or erosion, there is a purulent discharge of the white tube neck discharge, can feel pain when touching the cervix, chronic cervicitis can be seen in the cervix with varying degrees of erosion, hypertrophy, polyps, glands Cysts, valgus and other manifestations, or see the cervix mouth with purulent secretions, palpation of the cervix is hard, such as cervical erosion or polyps, may have contact bleeding.

2, microscopic examination: endometrial polyps consist of endometrium, the surface is covered with a layer of cubic epithelium or low columnar epithelium, the middle part of the polyps form a fibrous longitudinal axis, which contains blood vessels.

Due to the narrow pedicle, the blood supply is reduced, and the polyps are highly susceptible to degeneration, which is most likely to cause thrombosis in the blood vessels of the polyps. It becomes dark purple due to blood stasis, often begins to occur at the top, and may eventually rot and fall off.

3, the cervical scraper shows Papphire II.


Diagnosis of uterine polyps


The main symptoms are increased menstrual flow or irregular uterine bleeding; the polyps of the cervix are seen or touched, and the uterus is slightly enlarged; for hysteroscopy or segmental diagnosis, the removed tissue or the removed polyps are sent for pathological examination. The diagnosis can be confirmed.

Differential diagnosis:

And can be differentiated from dysfunctional uterine bleeding, submucosal uterine fibroids and endometrial cancer.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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