Toadstool poisoning


Introduction to poisoning poisoning Commonly known as mushrooms, it is a class of higher fungi. It has high edible value, and some can be used for medicinal purposes. However, some mites contain toxins, which cause poisoning when eaten by mistake. Among them, there are less than 10 species that are highly toxic, such as: brown scale ring mushroom, meat brown ring mushroom, white poison umbrella, scale handle white poison umbrella, poison umbrella, autumn life helmet, deer flower, Black pleated umbrella, toxic powder pleated bacteria, residual poison spotted umbrella, etc. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.002% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: respiratory failure


Toxic poisoning cause

Cause (60%):

Gastrointestinal poisoning caused by inadvertent consumption of P. oxysporum, poisonous red mushroom, tiger spot mushroom, etc., ingestion of poisonous fly umbrella, leopard spot poisonous umbrella, etc. caused neuropsychiatric poisoning, ingestion of deer flower buds and other hemolytic poisoning, Inadvertent consumption of poisonous umbrellas causes toxic hepatitis.


Poisoning poisoning prevention

Through science popularization education, the masses can identify poisonous cockroaches and avoid eating. In general, all the bright colors, such as cockroaches, spots, cracks, bubble flow, shackles, squats and odd shapes are all It is not edible, but it is necessary to know that some of the poisonous mites include poisonous poisonous umbrellas, and white poisonous umbrellas are very similar to edible oysters. Therefore, if you are not fully sure, it is better to not eat wild oysters.


Poisoning poisoning complications Complications, respiratory failure

The severity of poisoning poisoning depends on the type of poisonous mites, the nature of the toxins, and the amount of food consumed. Children and the elderly are less tolerant of poisoning and have serious consequences. In general, gastroenteritis type, neuropsychiatric type and hemolytic poisoning can be actively treated without a high mortality rate. The mortality rate of poisonous hepatitis poisoning can only be as high as 50% to 90%. May die due to respiratory, circulatory center suppression or hepatic coma.


Symptoms of Toadstool Poisoning Common Symptoms Hepatic Cell Suspension Collapse Abdominal Pain Hepatic Sinus Expansion Poisoning Causes Liver Damage Irritability Discomfort Diarrhea Tendency

The clinical manifestations of poisonous poisoning are different, but there are many symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea at the onset. If you don't pay attention to the history of eating, you may often be misdiagnosed as gastroenteritis, dysentery or general food poisoning. Therefore, when patients with such symptoms, especially in the summer and autumn, one or several households at the same time, the possibility of poisoning poisoning should be considered. If you have a history of eating wild ass, combined with clinical symptoms, the diagnosis is not difficult to determine.

There are more than 100 kinds of drug mites known around the world, and about 80 kinds have been discovered in China. The various toxins contained in the poisonous toxins are different, and the clinical manifestations of poisoning are also different. According to the main performances of various poisonous poisoning poisoning, it is roughly divided into four types:

First, gastroenteritis type

It is caused by poisonous cockroaches such as Rhedophyllussinatus, Russla emetica, Tricholomatigrinum, Boletus luridus, and Caprinus atramentarius. The incubation period is about 1/2 to 6 hours. Onset, it is characterized by severe diarrhea and abdominal pain. The toxins that cause this type of poisoning are not yet clear, but those who have been treated with proper symptomatic treatment can recover quickly and the mortality rate is very low.

Second, neuropsychiatric

It is caused by poisonous cockroaches such as Amanita mus-caria and Amanita pantherina. Its toxin is muscarine like acetylcholine. The incubation period is about 1 to 6 hours. In addition to the symptoms of gastroenteritis, there are symptoms of parasympathetic excitation, such as excessive sweating, runny nose, tearing, slow pulse, and dilated pupils. Treatment with atropine is very effective. A small number of patients with severe illness may have symptoms such as paralysis, hallucinations and respiratory depression. Individual cases can die as a result.

In addition to symptoms of gastroenteritis caused by Amanita spissacea and Russula foetens, there may be symptoms such as dizziness, confusion, and lethargy. Even if it is not treated, it can be cured in 1 to 2 days. The mortality rate is very low.

Caused by ingestion of bovine liver sputum (Bo1ets), in addition to symptoms such as gastroenteritis, there are many hallucinations (short illusion), convulsions and other symptoms. Some cases have persecution delusions and similar manifestations of schizophrenia. It can also be recovered after proper treatment and the mortality rate is low.

Third, hemolysis

Caused by eating Gyromitra escalen-ta. Its toxin is gyromitra toxin. The incubation period is 6 to 12 hours. In addition to gastrointestinal symptoms, there is hemolysis. Can cause anemia, liver splenomegaly and other signs. This type of poisoning often affects the central nervous system and may have symptoms such as headache. Treatment with adrenal cortical hormone and blood transfusion can be cured, and the mortality rate is not high.

4. Toxic hepatitis type

Caused by Amanita phal-loides, Amanita verna, Amanitavirosa, etc. Its toxins include 11 species of amazonxin and phallotoxin. Ghost pen toxins act quickly and mainly on the liver. The poisonous toxin is slower, but the toxicity is 20 times greater than that of the ghost toxin. It can directly act on the nucleus, possibly inhibiting RNA polymerase (Polymerase), and can significantly reduce liver glycogen and lead to rapid necrosis of liver cells. This type of poisoning is dangerous, and there is a high mortality rate if there is no active treatment.

The clinical course of this type of poisoning can be divided into 6 phases:

1. Incubation period: 15 to 30 hours after eating, generally no symptoms.

2. Gastrointestinal period: There may be vomiting and diarrhea, but not much serious, often self-healing in one day.

3. False recovery period: At this time, the patient is asymptomatic, or only slightly tired, not thinking about diet. In fact, liver damage has begun. Mild poisoning patients with liver damage are not serious, and can enter the recovery period.

4. Visceral damage period: liver, brain, heart, kidney and other organs may be damaged during this period, but the liver damage is the most serious. May have jaundice, elevated transaminase, hepatomegaly, bleeding tendency and other performance. The liver of the death cases was significantly reduced, the cut surface was betel nut-shaped, the hepatocytes were necrotic, the hepatic cell scaffold collapsed, the hepatic lobular structure was destroyed, the hepatic sinus was dilated, the stellate cells proliferated or hepatic cells were fatty. A few cases have manifestations of heart rhythm disorder, oliguria, and urinary closure.

5. Psychiatric symptoms: Some patients are irritated or indifferent to sleepiness, and even coma and convulsions. May die due to respiratory, circulatory center suppression or hepatic coma.

6. Recovery period: After active treatment, the patient usually enters the recovery period after 2 to 3 weeks, and the symptoms and signs gradually disappear and heal.

In addition, a small number of cases were violent, and suddenly died 1 to 2 days after the incubation period. May be caused by toxic myocarditis or toxic encephalitis.


Drug poisoning check

1. Gastroenteritis type, stool examination should be performed, blood routine examination.

2. Organ damage type can cause kidney, brain, heart and other substantial organ damage, liver function test, renal function test, liver function damage, renal failure, renal creatinine clearance, renal creatinine clearance At a rate of <25 ml/min, serum creatinine is significantly elevated with metabolic acidosis.

3. Inspection of toxic substances in the remaining food or stomach contents.


Diagnosis and identification of poisonous poisoning


Diagnosis can be based on medical history and symptoms.

Differential diagnosis

Should be differentiated from acute gastroenteritis, bacillary dysentery or other acute poisoning, the key to determine the history of eating poisonous sputum, to be particularly alert to the pseudo-healing period or incubation period, pay attention to monitoring, should not be underestimated.

Bacterial food poisoning: This is a poisoning caused by eating foods that contain a large number of pathogenic bacteria or bacterial toxins. It occurs mostly in summer and autumn, with sudden onset and gastrointestinal symptoms as the main manifestations. Abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting, frequent diarrhea, mostly mucus or watery stools. In severe cases, dehydration can occur.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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