Bilateral anterior chest incision

It is suitable for pericardial ablation, extracorporeal circulation surgery and anterior mediastinal giant tumor resection. Bilateral thoracotomy for thoracic surgical incision preparation: 1. According to general nursing routine before general surgery. 2. Guide lung function training, prevent colds, and prevent postoperative pulmonary complications. 3. Prepare the skin according to the surgical site. (1) External posterior incision: the thoracic midline to the posterior spinal line on the surgical side, including the axilla, and from the clavicle level to the xiphoid. (2) Median incision: left posterior axillary line to right posterior axillary line, including bilateral underarms. (3) Three esophageal incisions: left neck, right chest (same external incision), and abdomen (including umbilical foramen and perineum). (4) Combined thoracoabdominal incision: left chest (same external incision), left upper abdomen. 4. After the patient is sent to the operating room, prepare monitoring equipment and routine rescue items.

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