
Overeating (BED) Overeating may be the longest eating disorder. It is characterized by intermittent inability to control overeating (usually covertly), but unlike excessive appetite, overeating patients do not force themselves Vomit or take laxatives. As a result, overeating will inevitably lead to significant weight gain. Overeating patients find it difficult to deal with feelings of sadness, anger, depression, or anxiety, so they just dispose by eating. Many people describe this process as an inadvertent state, saying that once they do not waste the food they eat, they will all stuff it into their mouths and swallow it. About half of all obese and overeating people have depression, and only 5% of obese but not overeating people are diagnosed with depression. Individuals who overeating are usually frustrated, unconfident, and may have other problems such as love or work difficulties.

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