Stuffy nose

Nasal congestion, identification. Nasal obstruction, often with adverse breathing, can affect the sense of smell. "Classification of syndromes and treatment of nasal and mouth diseases": "If the lungs feel cold, the sound of nasal congestion is heavy, and Shen Su Yin and Zhi Huo Tang; if the wind is hot and the lungs are sneezing, it should be evacuated and chrysanthemum tea should be dispersed. Lung fire nasal, should be cleared, Huanglian Qingfei drink; those with nasal congestion, often do not smell the odor, Bi Cheng Qiao pill. "The nasal congestion is mostly caused by external sensation, so it is generally used to relieve the skin, dispel cold, expel wind, clear After lung and other treatments, all can be relieved. See colds, colds and more. Nasal congestion is one of the common symptoms in otolaryngology. The most common causes include rhinitis, nasal septum deviation, nasal polyps, and sinusitis. In theory, nasal congestion can be solved by different treatment methods.

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