
Hookback attacks are lesions on the anterior medial hook lobe of the temporal lobe of the brain that cause hallucinations (phantom smell, phantom smell, phantom vision, etc.), disturbance of consciousness, and mental symptoms. The entire clinical manifestation is also called "dream state", and there are four types of mental symptoms: 1. "Seeing": People or things that have never been seen are seen as having a sense of familiarity; 2. " "Strangeness and nothingness": People, things, and environments that they were familiar with suddenly became rusty and unreal, and everything changed; 3. Memory of the whole world: I suddenly felt that all the situations of my childhood emerged in my mind; 4. Frustration type: The content appears incomplete, or only hallucinations, or some mental symptoms. Hookback episodes are preceded by hallucinatory smells and hallucinations, followed by various types of mental symptoms, such as entering a dream, and then temporarily unconscious.

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