Onychomycosis, onychomycosis (onychomycosis)

Onychomycosis (grey toenails), putty nails (grey nails, tinea unguium, onychomycosis): Scientific name onychomycosis, also known as onychomycosis, Chinese medicine is also called goose claw wind, which is caused by fungal infections of ringworm. Onychomycosis lesions begin at the distal, lateral margins, or folds of the nail, and appear as abnormal nail color and morphology. Usually onset of 1-2 finger (toenail) nails, severe cases can be affected by all finger (toenail) nails. The sick deck lost its luster, and the long deck became brittle and damaged. It is mostly off-white and tarnished; the deck is significantly thickened and the surface is uneven. Its texture is loose and keratin and debris are often deposited under the nails. Sometimes the deck can be separated from the nail bed.

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