
Pulmonary bloating refers to the recurrence of a variety of chronic lung diseases, which are unresolved, and the lungs, spleen and kidneys are damaged, which leads to unfavorable pulmonary ducts, airway obstruction, stagnation of lungs, and fullness of the chest and chest as pathological changes. Shortness of breath, cough, expectoration, fullness of the chest, tightness in the chest, or cyanosis of the lip nails, palpitations, and even coma, wheezing is a clinical feature of clinical symptoms. According to the clinical manifestations of bloating, it is mainly seen in chronic obstructive emphysema and chronic pulmonary heart disease in western medicine, and also in senile emphysema. When the clinical manifestations of bloating in these diseases occur, you can refer to this section. Dialectical treatment.

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