Degenerative yellow ligament hypertrophy

Cervical spondylosis has cervical osteogenesis, normal curvature variation, and cervical disc herniation. You are mainly caused by the degeneration of the cervical spine, which compresses the nerve (dural sac) and blocks the local metabolic cycle. It also depends on what nerves are oppressed. Usually it can be divided into neck type with neck symptoms, nerve root type with nerve root involvement and upper limb symptoms, spinal cord type with limb movement and sensory disturbance, and vertebral artery type with sympathetic nerve stimulation symptoms around the vertebral artery due to vertebral artery compression And oppressed esophagus have esophageal discomfort or difficulty swallowing. I don't know what your symptoms are. The main reactions are pain, dizziness, vomiting, hand numbness, insomnia, and reflex pain. If treatment is not intensified, the condition will develop further, and it may also lead to serious consequences such as irregular runny nose, decreased vision, facial paralysis or muscle atrophy of upper limbs.

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