Mentally handicapped

Mentally retarded, also known as mental retardation and mental retardation, is mainly manifested by significantly lower than average intelligence during the developmental period, and accompanied by impairment of adaptive behavior. The so-called development period refers to before the age of 18, the so-called intelligence is significantly lower than the average level refers to the two standard deviations (that is, less than 70) of the intelligence quotient below the normal average, and the so-called adaptive behavior defect refers to its age and cultural background Does not meet social and personal requirements. This disease can be caused by a variety of causes. The main symptom is mental retardation, so it is also called mental retardation. This is one of the most common mental disorders in childhood and lasts for life. Due to the different statistical methods used in the surveys, the prevalence reports vary widely. The diagnosis is often based on intelligence tests. At present, because intelligence tests have not been widely carried out in China, screening cannot be based on IQ, so only the heavier patients are often noticed. According to survey data from some regions, the prevalence of moderate and severe patients is slightly higher than 0.1%, with more men than women. Some people think that mild mental retardation has little impact on society, and it is sometimes difficult to draw a line from normal. Therefore, its prevalence is difficult to obtain accurately. It is mainly an educational issue, not a clinical medical issue.

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