Hypoglycemia in children

Hypoglycemia in children means that the blood glucose concentration caused by different reasons is lower than normal. After birth, blood glucose drops to the lowest point at 1-2 hours, and then gradually rises. Plasma glucose at 72 hours should be 2.8mmol / L (50mg / dl). Different ages have different standards. Hypoglycemia is 2.2mmol / L (40mg / dl) in neonates, and 2.8mmol / L (50mg / dl) in fasting blood glucose in older infants and children is hypoglycemia. When the blood glucose concentration is lower than 50 ~ 60mg / dl, the early symptoms of hypoglycemia occur; when the blood glucose concentration is lower than 45mg / dl, the late symptoms of hypoglycemia occur. Hypoglycemia can cause irreversible damage to the brain and affect brain function. According to the latest data, 30% of school-aged children with diabetes in China have experienced severe hypoglycemia, and the consequence of hypoglycemia is sudden coma and even child death.

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