Five more diarrhea

Medical certificate name. See "Zhang's Medical Practice · Big and Small Houses". That is, five more diarrhea, also known as Jiming diarrhea, kidney diarrhea. The cause is caused by insufficient kidney yang, life gate fire failure, and cold and cold inside. Chinese medicine believes that the disease is mainly caused by spleen and kidney yang deficiency. In addition to the patient's attention to warming the abdomen and avoiding cold food, proper diet therapy can also achieve satisfactory results. As the illness gradually fades away, the spleen disease damages the kidney, but the spleen and kidney yang deficiency is seen. Insufficient kidney yang, life-threatening fire failure, can not be steamed to cause disease. Before dawn, the yin is full, the yang is not restored, and the spleen and kidney are deficient, the stomach is not solid, the pain is caused, the bowel sounds diarrhea, also known as "five more discharge", "chicken discharge"; Tong Zean; kidney deficiency is cold waist and knees, cold stomach, cold limbs, limbs are not warm; kidney yang failure, life gate fire failure, temperature weakness, weak urine, long urine, frequent urination at night; pale tongue, tongue Body fat has tooth marks, pulses are thin and weak, all are signs of spleen and kidney yang deficiency. This disease is more common in the transition from the hot summer to the cool autumn period. More men than women, more common in the elderly. This type of diarrhea tends to accumulate over the years, causing great annoyance to patients.

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