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menstrual asthma

Introduction to menstrual asthma Menstrual asthma refers to asthmatic women and their menstrual cycle, the phenomenon ...

retinal vein occlusion

Introduction to retinal vein occlusion Retinal vein occlusion (retinalveinocclusion) is a common fundus vascular disea...

iris cyst

Introduction to iris cyst The iris cyst is caused by the penetrating injury of the eyeball or the operation of the inn...

orbital meningioma

Introduction to meningioma The tumor can originate in the eyelids, and can also spread with the intracranial meningiom...


Introduction to thrombocytopenia Thrombocytopenia is a condition caused by a lower than normal platelet count. Thrombo...

pustular bacterial eruption

Introduction to pustular bacterial rash Pustularbacteria (pustularbacterid) reported by Andrews in 1941 is an allergic...

coronary aneurysm

Introduction to coronary aneurysms Local or diffuse dilatation of the coronary arteries, more than twice the local ori...

Mirizzi syndrome

Introduction to Mirizzi Syndrome Mirizzi syndrome (Mirizzisyndrome) is not commonly seen clinically as a biliary obstr...

lichen scrofula

Introduction to spastic moss Lichenscrofulosorum is also known as tuberculosis cutislichenoides, or disseminated folli...

Unilateral facet joint dislocation

Introduction to unilateral facet joint dislocation Unilateral facet joint dislocation is a relatively common injury, u...

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