lacrimal gland examination

The lacrimal gland examination is to check whether the position of the punctum is normal, whether there is redness or swelling in the lacrimal sac area, whether there is secretion from the lacrimal point when the lacrimal sac is compressed, and whether there is tenderness and mass in the lacrimal gland area. Basic Information Specialist Category: Ophthalmic Examination Category: Other Inspections Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: Keep a normal mindset. Normal value Normal is 10-15mm, <10mm is low secretion, and <5m is dry eye. In the absence of ocular surface anesthesia, the secretion function of the main lacrimal gland was tested. After the anesthesia, the secretory function of the lacrimal gland (basal secretion) was detected, and the observation time was 5 min. Clinical significance Abnormal result The result of atrophy of the lacrimal gland is a series of symptoms of the lacrimal gland secretion function, tear reduction, foreign body sensation, dryness and photophobia. Pay attention to the presence or absence of a mass in the lacrimal gland, the size of the punctum, the position and the changes in the skin of the lacrimal sac, and the presence or absence of secretions from the lacrimal sac. The sodium fluorescein or red mercury droplets can be used. After a minute, the cotton sheets pre-set in the nasal cavity and nasal passages are colored to determine whether the lacrimal passage is smooth or the lacrimal passage is used to judge the obstruction. The population to be examined: Sjogren's syndrome, atrophy of the lacrimal gland, keratoconjunctivitis or other eye diseases. Precautions Forbidden before examination: The massager cuts and cleans the fingernails. Requirements for examination: symptomatic treatment and treatment according to different causes to remove the cause. Inspection process The Schfrmer test can be used to check if the amount of tear secretion from the lacrimal gland is normal. The method is to use a strip of filter paper having a width of 5 mm and a length of 35 mm, which is folded at one end and placed in the conjunctival sac of the lower or middle 1/3 of the sac in the normal and non-irritating condition, and the rest is suspended from the eyelid by the cleft palate. In addition, the eye can be opened, and the patient can also blink at will without letting the filter strip fall out of the eye. Not suitable for the crowd There is no scope for this, and it is unnecessary to check if the eyes are fine. Adverse reactions and risks May cause redness and swelling of the eyes.

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