Hepatitis B Core Antibody

HBcAb includes IgM and IgG antibodies, which are mainly IgM in the early stage and generally last for 6 to 18 weeks. They are generally used as indicators of acute HBV infection. IgG is the main source of acute infection recovery or chronic persistent infection, which can last for several years. Basic Information Specialist classification: Infectious disease examination and classification: liver function examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Normal value: no Above normal: negative: Normal when negative. Positive: Positive with hepatitis B virus. Tips: NaN3 antiseptic is not available for specimens to be inspected. Normal value Normally negative. The Cutoff value was calculated as the original serum COV = negative control OD value × 0.3. 1:30 dilution of serum (plasma) COV = negative control OD value x 0.5. The sample OD value ≥ COV is negative, and the sample OD value is less than COV is positive. Clinical significance HBcAb positivity can be used as an indicator of replication of the virus in the hepatitis B infection period. 1 helps to confirm acute hepatitis B in the "window period" (antigen disappears, antibodies have not yet formed). 2 helps to detect HBsAg-negative hepatitis B. 3 high titer showed virus replication, no contagious at low titers; low titer anti-HBc and anti-HBs coexisted, showing immunity against hepatitis B. 4 for clinical research of hepatitis B, epidemiological investigation, safety identification of experimental vaccines, safety monitoring of various blood products, screening of blood donors, etc. 5 Helps to detect HBsAg-negative hepatitis B infected people and carriers. 6 Hepatitis B has a high titer in the acute phase and recovery phase, and then gradually declines. Due to hepatitis B virus replication or immune memory response, anti-HBc can remain for more than 20 years and even last a lifetime. Positive results may be diseases: elderly patients with viral hepatitis, hepatitis B, chronic renal failure precautions 1. Shake the reagent before use, and discard 1~2 drops and then add it vertically. Pay attention to even force. 2. The kit taken out from the refrigerated environment should be equilibrated at room temperature for 30 minutes before testing. The rest should be sealed in time and stored in the refrigerator for later use. 3. The specimen to be inspected for refrigeration should be equilibrated at room temperature for 30 minutes and then tested. 4. The specimen to be inspected is not available with NaN3 antiseptic. Inspection process 1. Experimental preparation: The kit was taken out from the refrigerated environment, equilibrated at room temperature for 30 min, and the concentrated washing solution was diluted 1:20. 2. Add 0.05 ml per well to the test specimen, and set 2 wells of anti-HBc positive control and anti-HBc negative control, and 1 well of blank control. The 11:30 dilution serum (plasma) test results represent clinical significance. 2 The original serum (plasma) test results represent epidemiological significance. 3, add enzyme conjugate 0.05ml per well, blank control is not added, fully mixed, incubated at 37 ° C for 30min. 4, the washing machine wash plate select washing process 5 times to wash the plate, and finally patted dry. 5, add coloring agent first add coloring agent A, 0.05ml per well, plus coloring agent B, 0.05ml per well; mix well, place at 37 ° C for 15 min in the dark. 6. Stop the reaction and add 0.05 ml of stop solution to each well and mix. 7. Measure the reading with the microplate reader, and select the single wavelength of 450nm (with blank hole calibration) or dual wavelength 450/630, and read the OD value of each hole. Not suitable for the crowd Generally there are no people who are not suitable. Adverse reactions and risks Generally no adverse reactions.

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