Scapula Exam

The scapula examination is performed on the patient's shoulder blade and is often used to check the examination of the high scapula. The scapula is also called the humerus and the tibia. Located behind the thorax, it is a triangular flat bone between the 2nd to 7th ribs. Scapular soreness is caused by long-term deformation of the muscles. It may also be caused by chronic muscle inflammation due to a long-term posture. Basic Information Specialist classification: growth and development check classification: physical examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Normal value: no Above normal: negative: The shoulders are normal and can move freely. The shoulders are symmetrical. Positive: One side (or both sides) of the scapula is short, the position is significantly elevated, and the shoulder wall movement is limited, which is the high scapula. Intrinsic indications of congenital malformations of the scapula, mostly unilateral. If you have bilateral, you should pay attention to the congenital spinal deformity. Tips: Check your relaxation and follow the doctor's instructions. Children need to appease their emotions during the examination so that the examination can proceed normally. Normal value The shoulders are normal and can move freely. The shoulders are symmetrical. Clinical significance Abnormal results: One side (or both sides) of the scapula is short, the position is significantly elevated, and the shoulder wall movement is limited, which is the high scapula. Intrinsic indications of congenital malformations of the scapula, mostly unilateral. If you have bilateral, you should pay attention to the congenital spinal deformity. People who need to be examined: growing children. Positive results may be congenital high shoulder scapula, congenital high shoulder scapula, congenital shoulder dislocation, brachial plexus neuralgia, scapula, shoulder dislocation, humeral tuberosity fracture, humeral head fracture considerations Taboo before inspection: no special contraindications. Requirements for inspection: Check your relaxation and follow the doctor's instructions. Children need to appease their emotions during the examination so that the examination can proceed normally. Inspection process The paralyzed patient took off his shirt and took the upright position. The examiner observed the shape of the shoulders from the back side. Not suitable for the crowd There are no special taboos. Adverse reactions and risks Nothing.

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