Sinus and fistula angiography

Sinus and fistula angiography is an examination method for checking whether there are lesions in the sinus and fistula with iodine contrast agent. The patient was placed in a lying position with the mouth facing up. After the conventional mouthwash and its skin are disinfected, the contrast catheter is inserted through the fistula (such as the original drainage tube in the fistula, and the drainage tube can be used as the contrast catheter); after the catheter is fixed with gauze and tape, the catheter is slowly injected under fluoroscopy. Contrast agent, until the contrast agent slightly overflows, then select the position and angle of the point where the sacral and lesions are the clearest. Basic Information Specialist Category: Inspection Category: Other Inspections Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: When using iodine contrast agent, iodine allergy test should be done before angiography. Normal value The body is in a healthy state and there are no suspected ruminal diseases. Clinical significance Abnormal result 1. Congenital fistula, such as thyroglossal fistula, neck sacral (鳃瘘) and so on. 2. Infectious fistulas, such as chronic osteomyelitis, soft tissue abscesses, etc. 3. A fistula that occurs after trauma or surgery. The person in need of examination is suspected of having the above-mentioned related diseases. Precautions Taboo before inspection: 1. When using iodine contrast agent, iodine allergy test should be done before angiography. 2. Before the angiography, the X-ray film should be taken to understand whether there are other abnormalities, such as osteomyelitis and bone tuberculosis. 3. Abdominal sacral angiography, the enema should be cleaned and emptyed before examination, parallel body position drainage and local squeezing, so that the secretions are fully discharged, in order to facilitate the entry of contrast agents. Requirements for inspection: Actively cooperate with the doctor's request. 1. The choice of contrast agent should be based on the size and location of the tunnel. Contrast agents with higher viscosity should be used for those with larger sputum. Contrast agents with lower viscosity should be used for those with smaller sputum. If the chest fistula is suspected to communicate with the chest, or the limbs are connected to the abdominal cavity, 40% iodized oil can be used; the urinary system can use 60% diatrizoate; the intestinal passage can be 50%.钡 glue. The amount used depends on the size of the abnormal channel. 2. The injection of the contrast agent should be performed under fluoroscopy in order to grasp the introduction route and distribution range of the contrast agent and to select the appropriate film position and angle. 3. At least two photos that are perpendicular to each other should be taken. Before the filming, the contrast agents spilling on the skin, clothes, sheets and diagnostic bed should be removed and wiped clean to avoid confusion. If necessary, make metal marks on the mouth. Inspection process The patient was placed in a lying position with the mouth facing up. After the conventional mouthwash and its skin are disinfected, the contrast catheter is inserted through the fistula (such as the original drainage tube in the fistula, and the drainage tube can be used as the contrast catheter); after the catheter is fixed with gauze and tape, the catheter is slowly injected under fluoroscopy. Contrast agent, until the contrast agent slightly overflows, then select the position and angle of the point where the sacral and lesions are the clearest. Not suitable for the crowd Inappropriate crowd: 1. Sinus and fistula have acute inflammation. 2. Iodine allergies should avoid using iodine contrast agents. Adverse reactions and risks Nothing.

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