Infant musculoskeletal system examination

Infant musculoskeletal examination is one of the physical examination items for newborns. Can help us understand the development of the neonatal musculoskeletal system, dysplasia can be dealt with as soon as possible. When the newborn is supine, the hips and knees are flexed, and the thighs can be fully abducted to the examination table plane. Abduction is limited, and when the femoral head slides into the acetabulum, it can touch the "bounce", which is the main sign of congenital dislocation of the hip. Basic Information Specialist classification: growth and development check classification: physical examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Reminder: Requirements for inspection: Actively cooperate with the doctor's work. Normal value There is no specific standard, and the diagnosis should be based on the doctor's experience. Second, the limbs should be symmetrical and capable of autonomous activities. Clinical significance Abnormal results The newborn is supine, and when the hip and knee flex, the thigh can fully abduct to the examination table plane. Abduction is limited, and when the femoral head slides into the acetabulum, it can touch the "bounce", which is the main sign of congenital dislocation of the hip. Newborns in need of examination and need to have a physical examination of the baby. Precautions Taboo before the examination: poor rest, improper diet, excessive fatigue. Requirements for inspection: Actively cooperate with the doctor's work. Inspection process When the newborn is supine, the hips and knees are flexed, and the thighs can be fully abducted to the examination table plane. Abduction is limited, and when the femoral head slides into the acetabulum, it can touch the "bounce", which is the main sign of congenital dislocation of the hip. Infants and breech-producing infants are particularly prone to dislocation of the medullary joint. If the hip joint is restricted, an ultrasound examination should be performed and an orthopedic specialist should be consulted. Very mild congenital hip dysplasia, can be taken with two or three diapers, this method is very suitable. In more severe cases, orthopedic splints can be used by orthopedic surgeons under ultrasound examination. If you are not able to treat your orthopaedic specialist right away, apply three diapers 24 hours a day until you can use the splint. If a diaper of any shape is used, the first diaper should be tightly wrapped around the skin and the other two as the outer layer to form a larger volume together. If there is a deformed foot or any other obvious deformity that requires orthopedics, treatment should begin immediately. Not suitable for the crowd Inappropriate crowd: None.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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