straight leg ankle extension test

The Straight Leg Excitation Test is an auxiliary examination method for checking the normality of venous vessels. Deep venous thrombosis occurs mostly in the calf veins, local pain, swelling, and aggravation when walking. The straight leg stretch test (Homan sign) was positive, and the compression calf test (Neuhof sign) was positive. Through this examination, the corresponding symptoms can be judged. Basic Information Specialist Category: Cardiovascular Examination Category: Other Examinations Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: The patient actively cooperates with the doctor, the doctor patiently operates and carefully observes the results. Normal value The straight leg extension test was negative. Clinical significance Abnormal results of deep vein thrombosis and inflammation, significant pain in the posterior part of the regression. A manifestation of thrombophlebitis when the Homans sign is positive. The venous vascular abnormalities of the people in need of examination. Precautions Taboo before the test: maintain a normal diet and sleep. Requirements for examination: The patient actively cooperates with the doctor, the doctor patiently operates, and carefully observes the results. Inspection process Inspection method: The patient is supine, the knee joint is straight, and the calf is slightly raised. The examiner used the foot to force the knee joint to dorsiflexion and pull the gastrocnemius muscle. Not suitable for the crowd Inappropriate people: Generally, there is no suitable for the crowd.

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