Fecal parasite eggs

Intestinal parasites are divided into protozoa and worms. The former is a living microorganism composed of a single cell, which lives in the digestive tract of the human body, and some species are pathogenic or conditional pathogens, and most of the life history does not need to switch the host to spread through the trophozoite or through the cyst; The parasite is a multi-cell invertebrate, which is squirming by muscle expansion and contraction. It is widely distributed in nature and has a wide distribution. There are two kinds of living life and parasitic life. What we call parasites is exactly the latter. By. Basic Information Specialist classification: Digestive examination classification: feces / parasitic examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Normal value: no Above normal: negative: Normally, no parasite eggs were detected in the feces. Positive: Parasite eggs were detected in the feces, suggesting a digestive parasite infection. Tips: Because infants and young children are not easy to get enough samples at a time, if you need to collect them separately, please temporarily store the samples in the refrigerator to avoid bacterial growth. Normal value Normal value: no parasites or parasite eggs in the feces. Clinical significance Abnormal results: There are corresponding parasites infected with aphid eggs, whipworm eggs, aphid eggs, hook eggs, Schistosoma japonicum eggs, aphid eggs, ginger eggs, Chinese branch worm eggs, paragonimiasis eggs. Need to check the crowd: Patients with normal diet but thin body have ascites symptoms. Positive results may be diseases: intestinal parasitic diseases, small bag ciliate disease, pediatric pigment urticaria, insect precautions Note when checking: 1. Check the mites eggs with a transparent film swab and wipe them from the wrinkles around the anus at 12 o'clock in the evening or in the morning before defecation and immediately examine them. 2. When collecting parasite eggs, collect 24 hours of feces. The former should be carefully searched or screened from all the feces, and then the species should be identified. The latter should be mixed and examined. Pre-inspection requirements: Because infants and young children are not easy to get enough samples at a time, if you need to collect them separately, please temporarily store the samples in the refrigerator to avoid bacterial growth. Not suitable for the crowd: there is no inappropriate crowd. Inspection process 1. Place the nylon mesh on the tested fecal sample, and scrape it on the nylon net with a scraper. The fine residue of the feces is penetrated from the micropores of the mesh to the surface of the mesh. 2. Take a piece of the quantitative plate in the middle of the slide, and fill the nylon mesh fine dung residue into the central hole of the dosing plate with a scraper to fill the flat. 3. Carefully lift the dosing plate and leave the fecal sample on the slide. 4. Take a piece of cellophane impregnated with the composite dye solution for 24 hours, cover it on the feces, and gently press it with the scraper to spread the feces evenly to the edge of the cellophane. 5, after the number is placed at 30 ~ 36 ° C for 30 minutes, you can microscopic examination. Not suitable for the crowd Generally no taboos. Adverse reactions and risks Generally not.

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