

Introduction to enuresis Enuresis is commonly known as bedwetting, which usually means that children involuntarily urinate when they are asleep. Generally, only 20% have enuresis when they are 4 years old, and 5% have enuresis when they are 10 years old. There are a few patients with enuresis that lasts into adulthood. No obvious urinary tract or neurological organic lesions called primary enuresis, accounting for 70% to 80%, secondary to lower urinary tract obstruction (such as urethral valve), cystitis, neurogenic bladder (neuropathy) The patients with dysfunction caused by urinary dysfunction are called secondary enuresis. In addition to nighttime bedwetting, children often have frequent urination, urgency or difficulty in urinating, and fine urine flow. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 5% Susceptible people: children Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: depression


Cause of enuresis

Psychological aspects (15%):

Children with enuresis show shyness, inferiority, guilt, timidity or timidity, fear, anxiety, and over time, causing personality abnormalities, showing introverted personality, loneliness, disharmony, nervousness or violent tendencies.

Cerebral nervous system (35%):

The nervous system of the brain is sleepy and awake, and it is difficult to wake up as a prominent feature of enuresis. Memory loss, slow response, irritability, multiple dreams, sleep, disorder, inattention, active or not sedentary, Apathy, etc., directly affects the function and development of the brain's nervous system, causing IQ to decline. According to the World Health Organization survey, children with bedwetting have an IQ of 17%-23% lower than normal children.

Developmental factors (25%):

Enuresis affects the child's IQ: sleep is dizzy, difficult to wake up for the outstanding performance characteristics of enuresis, can have more dreams, bite, sleep, confusion, inattention, active or not sedentary, apathetic or dazed, The phenomenon of slipping and walking in the class directly affects the function and development of the brain's nervous system, affecting children's reading and learning and physical development.

1, enuresis has an impact on the child's development: developmental cryptorchidism, crack, hernia, phimosis, small penis, small uterus, hemorrhage healing late, walking late, talking late, height and weight are poor, seriously endangering growth and development, if Missing the timing of treatment, will hate life, will also affect future generations.

2, enuresis brings a series of diseases to children: less reproductive function, premature ejaculation, impotence, infertility, etc.; irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, ovulation disorders, early menopause, infertility, etc., directly affect fertility and sexual function.


Enuresis prevention

Do not let the child fatigue and emotional excitement, control the amount of water before going to bed, the child who wets the bed every night, wake up at night to urinate, gradually develop the habit of self-controlled urination.


Enuresis complications Complications depression

Frequent urination during the day, urgency or difficulty urinating, fine urine flow and other symptoms.


Enuresis symptoms Common symptoms Children with enuresis and urinary urgency Urinary habits diaper urinary flow fine or interrupted frequent urination

Children urinate involuntarily while they are asleep. In addition to nighttime bedwetting, there are often frequent urination, urgency or difficulty urinating, and fine urine flow during the day.


Examination of enuresis

The principle of diagnosing primary enuresis is mainly to rule out various causes of secondary enuresis.

1, medical history: pay attention to the presence or absence of genetic factors, whether the enuresis begins with the baby, and later appeared and those who have urinary symptoms during the day may have secondary enuresis, while patients with constipation or neurological diseases may be secondary to the neurogenic bladder.

2, physical examination: for detailed medical examination, pay special attention to whether the anal sphincter tension is normal, with or without spina bifida, perineal sensation or not, and lower limb activity is normal.

3, laboratory examination: urine routine, urine culture.

4, X-ray examination: plain film to observe the presence or absence of spina bifida, bladder urethra angiography to observe whether there is mechanical obstruction.

5, urodynamic examination: urine flow rate examination to observe the presence or absence of lower urinary tract obstruction, intravesical pressure measurement to see if there is no inhibition of contraction.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of enuresis


Diagnosis can be based on medical history, clinical symptoms, and laboratory findings.

Differential diagnosis

1, urinary incontinence: its urine is not separated, regardless of staying up late, can not help but in children are mostly congenital hypoplasia or encephalopathy sequelae.

2, neurological urinary frequency: It is characterized by the child in the urinary urinary frequency urgency, urinary frequency disappears after falling asleep, and the enuresis is very different.

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