Optic atrophy


Introduction to optic atrophy Optictrophy is not the name of a disease, but refers to a formation change caused by any disease causing retinal ganglion cells and its axons to become lesions, resulting in a thinning of the optic nerve. It is a general term for pathology and generally occurs. Axonal degeneration of the ganglion between the retina and the lateral geniculate body. Optic atrophy is the ultimate result of optic nerve lesions. It manifests as degeneration and disappearance of optic nerve fibers, conduction dysfunction, visual field changes, loss of vision and loss. Generally divided into primary and secondary, acupuncture mainly treats secondary optic atrophy caused by primary and inflammation. In addition to the above symptoms, the fundus examination can still see the color of the optic papilla is pale yellow or pale, the boundary is blurred, the physiological depression disappears, and the blood vessels become thinner. Modern Western medicine still lacks special treatment for this disease. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.0002% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: retinal detachment


Cause of optic atrophy

Genetic factors (30%)

Often due to posterior optic neuritis, hereditary optic neuropathy (Leber disease), intraorbital tumor compression, trauma, neurotoxins and other reasons. These lesions occur behind the ball.

Disease factor (30%)

Common are papillitis, papilledema, retinal choroiditis, retinitis pigmentosa, central retinal occlusion, quinine poisoning, ischemic papillary lesions, glaucoma and so on.

Intracranial inflammation, such as tuberculous meningitis or optic arachnoiditis can cause descending optic atrophy, such as inflammation spread to the optic papilla can be secondary optic atrophy. Increased intracranial pressure produced by intracranial tumors can cause optic papilla edema and then secondary optic atrophy.


Optic nerve atrophy prevention

Optic atrophy can be described as an ophthalmic cancer, which can be treated early, and the effect of Chinese medicine is very good. It is difficult to treat in the advanced stage. Now, an exercise method is introduced. Although it is simple, it can be sustained if the optic atrophy, blue-blind or even myopia can be sustained. You can see the results in half a year, remember that the most important thing is to persevere.

First, go to the outdoor after getting up early every day, preferably before the sun does not come out (do not force this point), facing the West, feet together, hands naturally sag, the tongue naturally squatting on the gums, calmly standing.

Second, the eyes are lightly closed, first exhale, then inhale, then call again, a total of two, then live and breathe, then rotate the eyes to the left, first left upper, lower left, lower right, upper right, rotate 7 Stop after the circle and rotate the eye 7 turns to the right.

Third, about 7 rounds of rotation are all over, suddenly squinting, looking at the distance, especially standing in the high place, looking at the trees in the distance, because the whole process is after inhaling and breathing, so blinking at the same time Gently exhale the air, exhale the first mouth and gently lift the heel, while the arms are gently raised to the front, pay attention to the palms straight, fingers close together, the thumb slightly bent, then inhale, exhale, suck gas.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, so do 7 or 5 times.


Optic nerve atrophy complications Complications

Easy to recursive retinal detachment.


Symptoms of optic atrophy Common symptoms Visually impaired visual acuity often foggy blurred optic nerve nipple pale fundus changes visual spatial function impaired fundus point or flaming hemorrhage physiological atrophy

Mainly manifested in vision loss and optic disc gray-white or pale, normal optic disc color is determined by a variety of factors, under normal circumstances, most of the color of the optic disc is lighter than the nasal side, and the degree of pale side of the pupil is related to the physiological cup The size of the baby is often pale, or the oppression of the eyeball during the examination causes optic disc ischemia. Therefore, it is not possible to diagnose the optic atrophy simply by the structure and color of the optic disc. It is necessary to observe whether the retinal blood vessels and the nerve fiber layer around the optic disc are present. Changes, especially visual field vision and other examinations, comprehensive analysis, in order to determine the degree of pale disc color, cracks or wedge-shaped defects may appear in the nerve fiber layer around the optic disc, the former becomes blacker, the retinal pigment layer is exposed, the latter It is reddish and is choroidal exposure. If the damage occurs in the upper and lower margins of the optic disc, it is easier to identify. Because the nerve fiber layer in this area is especially thickened, if the lesion is far away from the optic disc area, it is difficult to find because the nerve fibers are thinner in these areas. The focal atrophy around the optic disc often indicates that the nerve fiber layer has lesions, and the nerve fiber layer is in the area. Thin due.


Examination of optic atrophy

Mainly for laboratory tests for some primary diseases that cause optic atrophy, to determine the cause, such as blood routine, blood biochemical examination and cerebrospinal fluid antibodies, cytology and so on.

1, visual field inspection

The change of visual field varies according to the location of optic nerve damage: optic neuritis near the eyeball segment, there is a huge central dark spot in the visual field, and the lesion of the optic nerve farther away from the eyeball can be expressed as a visual field defect or centripetal reduction. . The chiasm lesions can be bilateral hemianopia. Unilateral lateral geniculate or visual tract lesions, ipsilateral hemianopia in the opposite side of the lesion.

2, visual electrophysiological examination

Characteristic abnormal changes can be found.

3, check with no red light ophthalmoscope

At the fundus, the normal optic nerve fibers are white and thin, and the atrophic optic nerve fibers are often chaotic spots. The visual field changes are mostly centripetal narrowing, especially in the nasal peripheral visual field, and there is also a wedge-shaped defect in the peripheral visual field. The center expands, and finally the centripetal narrower is formed. In addition, depending on the lesion, different visual field defects or dark spots may appear. The wild examination should pay attention to the small red visual target, and the central dark spot and the nasal side can be seen. Defect, sacral island-like visual field, concentric view to tubular hemiplegic hemianopia, color vision disorder is acquired acquired, red and green obstacles are more common, hue alignment examination method is superior to general examination method, fundus fluorescein angiography early The significance is not significant. In the late stage, the optic disc fluorescence is weakened and the late strong fluorescence. The visual electrophysiological detection includes electroretinogram (ERG), electrooculogram (EOG) and visual evoked potential (VEP). Auxiliary meaning.


Diagnosis and differentiation of optic atrophy


Diagnosis can be based on medical history, clinical symptoms, and laboratory findings.

Differential diagnosis

1, acute phase and anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, optic disc vasculitis, optic nerve papillitis, no obvious changes in the fundus and posterior optic neuritis.

2, the contraction period should first exclude intracranial pressure lesions, and other types of optic nerve atrophy.

3. The disease needs to be differentiated from demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis and optic neuromyelitis.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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