vaginal septum


Introduction to vaginal septum In the process of embryo development, if a malfunction occurs, a vaginal septum can be formed. The diaphragm occurs in the upper part of the vagina, and is partially blocked, which can affect sexual life and can be conceived, but can affect the delivery of the baby during childbirth. It should be done during the delivery. The diaphragm occurs in the lower part of the vagina. Can affect sexual life, such as complete atresia, the symptoms and hymen atresia are similar. Patients should be treated with vaginal septum in time. The thickness of the diaphragm is also very different, some are very thin, like paper, and some are thicker (1 ~ 1.5cm), the interstitial between the two layers of mucosa tissue can be rich in collagen fibers and smooth muscle, even mixed There are kidney-like tissue components, whether there are clinical symptoms, depending on whether there is a small hole in the diaphragm, complete mechanics are small, most of them have a small hole in the center of the diaphragm, sometimes only through the fine probe, menstrual blood can The outflow occurs asymptomatic until it is found to be due to difficulty in sexual intercourse or fetal head obstruction during childbirth. If there is no hole, symptoms will appear after menarche due to menstrual blood retention. basic knowledge Sickness ratio: 0.0001% Susceptible people: women Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: Sexual intercourse, pain, sexual syncope


Vaginal septal cause


During the embryonic period, the predecessor of the female reproductive tract, the Miller tube, is a bilaterally symmetrical bilateral duct. Later, through a series of steps such as midline fusion and septal absorption, a single uterus, cervix and vagina are finally formed on the midline. And still keep the left and right fallopian tubes. This process is completed from about 5 weeks of embryos until 16 weeks. In the meantime, if the progress of the above process is hindered due to the influence of teratogenic factors, different degrees of double uterine double cervix and vaginal malformation may occur.


The specific mechanism of the occurrence of asymmetrical malformations of the vaginal septum is still unclear. The Miller tube is closely related to the occurrence of the middle kidney tube. The development of the Miller tube depends on the development of the middle kidney tube, the development of the middle kidney tube is blocked, and the development of the Miller tube is also abnormal, thus forming a kidney, ureter and vaginal development. Series of asymmetric deformities. The lesions of the vaginal septum are divided into the following three types:

1. Type I non-porous slanting partition, no sloping partition.

2. Type II has a perforated slanting compartment, and there is a small hole in the slanting compartment, and there is often a poor drainage of the compartment after the compartment.

3. Type III non-porous oblique septum combined with cervical fistula, between the two sides of the cervix or between the posterior and posterior cervix, there is a fistula formation, there may be poor drainage.

The incidence of the disease is the highest in type II, accounting for about 50%.


Vaginal septal prevention

If the delivery is not smooth after the operation, the cesarean section should be taken to end the delivery.


Vaginal septal complications Complications, sexual intercourse, painful sex, syncope

There may be difficulty in sexual intercourse or fetal head obstruction during childbirth.


Vaginal septal symptoms common symptoms dyspareunia vaginal transvaginal atresia

The thickness of the diaphragm is also very different, some are very thin, like paper, and some are thicker (1 ~ 1.5cm), the interstitial between the two layers of mucosa tissue can be rich in collagen fibers and smooth muscle, even mixed There are kidney-like tissue components, whether there are clinical symptoms, depending on whether there is a small hole in the diaphragm, complete mechanics are small, most of them have a small hole in the center of the diaphragm, sometimes only through the fine probe, menstrual blood can The outflow occurs asymptomatic until it is found to be difficult due to sexual intercourse or fetal head obstruction during childbirth. If there is no hole, the symptoms appear after menarche due to menstrual blood retention. When examining the vaginal septum, first pay attention to the mechanics. The upper (usually in the central part) is small or small. If there is a void, the probe can be used to probe the width and depth of the vagina above the small hole for diagnosis.


Examination of vaginal septum

When examining the vaginal septum, first of all, pay attention to the mechanics (usually in the central part) with or without small holes. If there is a void, use the probe socket to explore the width and depth of the vagina above the small hole to make a diagnosis.


Diagnosis of vaginal diaphragm

When examining the vaginal septum, first of all, pay attention to whether the mechanic is separated (usually in the central part). If there is a void, the probe can be used to probe the width and depth of the vagina above the small hole for diagnosis.

Should be differentiated from the hymen atresia, according to symptoms and gynecological examination is not difficult to identify, but if completely locked, the symptoms and hymen atresia are similar.

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