congenital megaurethra


Introduction to congenital giant urethra Congenital mega-urethral disease (congenital megalourethra) refers to congenital non-obstructive urethral dilatation, which usually occurs in the urethra of the penis body. The disease is rare, combined with urinary corpus cavernosum development, and sometimes genital corpus cavernosum development. The giant urethra can be an independent malformation, and often has different degrees of hypospadias and upper urinary tract abnormalities, especially in plum dry abdominal syndrome. Often scaphoid and fusiform, often accompanied by congenital malformations of the upper urinary tract. In 1986, Appel et al reported 6 cases and reviewed 35 cases, all with obvious upper urinary tract malformations. However, Sharma (1997) reported that there were no other abnormalities in all four cases. basic knowledge The proportion of sickness: 0.004% - 0.006% Susceptible people: infants and young children Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: hydronephrosis cryptorchidism vesicoureteral reflux


Causes of congenital giant urinary tract disease

(1) Causes of the disease

It may be caused by mesoderm dysplasia at the urethral fold of the embryo, and it is also considered to be caused by the extreme expansion of the urethral plate. It can be divided into two types:

1. The scaphoid urethra combined with dysplasia of the urethra.

2. The fusiform giant urethra has a penis and the urethral cavernous body is poorly developed.

The above two types of giant urethra can be associated with renal dysplasia, abnormalities and other complications, and the fusiform giant urinary tract can cause early death due to other serious malformations.


Congenital giant urethra prevention

Do a good job of prenatal care, there is no effective preventive measures for this disease.


Congenital complications of giant urethra Complications hydronephrosis cryptorchid ureteral reflux

This disease is often accompanied by other urinary malformations, such as hydronephrosis, cryptorchidism, plum dry abdominal syndrome, vesicoureteral reflux and so on.


Symptoms of congenital giant urinary tract common symptoms complex urinary tract infection upper urinary tract structure and functional damage

Similar to congenital urethral diverticulosis, mainly characterized by urinary tract obstruction and infection symptoms, this huge urethra is actually a huge urethral diverticulum.


Examination of congenital giant urethra

1. Urethral angiography can clearly show the dilated anterior urethra, which can be expressed as "crescent shape".

2. Venous urography can show the expansion of the anterior urethra, and help to find upper urinary tract malformation, clear water in both kidneys.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of congenital giant urethra

Diagnosis can be confirmed based on clinical manifestations and imaging of the lower urinary tract.

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