renal aneurysm


Introduction to renal aneurysms Renal aneurysms are the first diseases found in the renal arteries. Abeshouse divides renal aneurysms into the following categories: capsular, fusion, schizophrenia, arteriovenous fistula. Among them, capsular aneurysms are the most common type accounting for 93%. Acquired aneurysms can occur anywhere, mainly due to factors such as inflammation and injury. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.0002%-0.0003% Susceptible people: no special people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: high blood pressure


Cause of renal aneurysm

(1) Causes of the disease

Renal aneurysms are divided into true and false. Pseudoaneurysms are mostly traumatic, while true walls contain normal arterial wall components, which can be congenital or acquired. They are divided into capsules, fusiform and dissection arteries according to morphology. tumor.

(two) pathogenesis

There is currently no relevant information.


Renal aneurysm prevention

First, we should actively prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis (primary prevention), if it has occurred, should be actively treated, prevent the development of the disease and strive for its reversal (secondary prevention). Complications have occurred, timely treatment, to prevent its deterioration, and to extend the life of patients (third-level prevention).


Renal aneurysm complications Complications

About 1/4 of patients with renal aneurysm have hypertension, and can also break into the renal vein to form a large renal movement, venous fistula, less common, renal aneurysm rarely rupture, if it happens, the condition is dangerous, mortality high.


Renal aneurysm symptoms Common symptoms Vascular murmur severe pain Hypertensive hematuria abdominal mass

Most aneurysms have no symptoms, especially in children, and are prone to symptoms in older patients because of the progressive enlargement of the tumor, pain, hematuria, high blood pressure, etc., which may cause pulsation in the abdomen during physical examination. The lumps or vascular murmurs in the abdomen should be suspected of this disease, and many aneurysms with no specific symptoms are found due to high blood pressure.


Renal aneurysm examination

1, X-ray film: about 1/4 of the renal aneurysms can be calcified, calcification is eggshell-like, flower ring, mostly marginal calcification, located near the renal hilum, intravenous pyelography mostly without abnormalities.

2, renal artery angiography: for the most reliable examination method, can directly show the saccular bulge or fusiform expansion of the arterial wall, single or multiple, can be large or small, some have arteriovenous fistula, visible renal vein early display The blood supply artery has a compensatory thickening and distortion.

3, CT plain scan: for the kidney or the renal side slightly high density mass, the boundary is clear, smooth, the edge can be seen arc calcification, the enhanced scan is generally enhanced, the degree of enhancement is higher than the renal parenchyma, close to the artery, sometimes visible blood supply vessels Connected to the tumor, when there is thrombosis, the enhancement may be uneven; when the arteriovenous fistula is combined, the contrast agent is fast-forward and quick-release.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of renal aneurysms

When the body is touched with a pulsating mass in the abdomen or a vascular murmur is heard in the abdomen, the disease should be suspected, secretory urography, selective renal angiography, digital subtraction, color Doppler ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging. Can be diagnosed.

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