Simple renal ectopic


Introduction to simple renal ectopic Renal ectopic refers to the normal position of the well-developed kidney that cannot reach the retroperitoneal renal fossa. Renal ectopic should be differentiated from the renal droop. The latter refers to the kidney at the normal position and has a normal blood supply, but because of a certain The reason for the downward movement is that the ectopic kidney is not in the normal position from the beginning. Ectopic kidneys are common in the pelvis, axillary, abdominal, thoracic or bilateral kidney ectopic. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: the incidence rate is about 0.002%-0.005% Susceptible people: no specific people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: hypospadias cryptorchidism


Simple renal ectopic cause

(1) Causes of the disease

Under normal circumstances, the two kidneys have reached the level of the second lumbar vertebra at the 8th week of the fetus. The ectopic kidney is produced during the 4th to 8th week of the fetus, due to ureteral bud growth disorder, abnormal blood supply or excessive growth of Wolff tube. Factors that cause the kidney to rise, pause or erroneously rise to the opposite side, resulting in kidney ectopic or poor rotation.

(two) pathogenesis

The ectopic kidney is different from the renal ptosis. The latter is in the normal position, with normal blood vessels and ureters. The ectopic kidney is usually small, about 60% is located in the pelvis, the ureter is short, and the supply vessels are from the lower aorta and the pelvic vascular trunk. And multiple branches, such as the kidney continues to rise in the 8th week of the embryo, part of the kidney or all the kidneys through the diaphragm into the posterior mediastinum, which forms the intrathoracic kidney, accounting for 5%, the ureter is elongated, but the blood supply is normal, also Without renal dysfunction, the cross-ectopic kidney can be divided into fusion type and non-fusion type. The ureter enters the bladder from the normal path and opens normally in the triangle area.


Simple renal ectopic prevention

Strengthen the education during pregnancy, reasonable nutrition before and during pregnancy, do a good job of health care, avoid the use of bad drugs, so as to avoid teratogenicity! In addition, early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment are the key to the prevention and treatment of this disease. Once the disease occurs, it should be actively treated to prevent the occurrence of complications.


Simple renal ectopic complications Complications hypospadias cryptorchidism

Often accompanied by poor renal rotation (kidney to the front) and other malformations such as hypospadias, cryptorchidism, vaginal development, cardiovascular malformations, gastrointestinal and bone deformities.


Simple renal ectopic symptoms common symptoms abdominal mass urinary incontinence renal ectopic with ureteral ectopic bladder stimulation bloody urine abdominal pain pyu

The pelvic kidney can touch the tumor in the lower abdomen. Due to the low renal position, it can be combined with vesicoureteral reflux or obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction. It is easy to be complicated with hydronephrosis, infection and stone formation, which is characterized by pain in the kidney area, hematuria and pyuria. Symptoms, or lower abdominal pain, gastrointestinal symptoms, and bladder irritation due to compression of blood vessels, nerves, and nearby organs.


Simple renal ectopic examination

With the application of radiography, ultrasound, radionuclide scanning and other urinary tract imaging techniques, the diagnosis of asymptomatic ectopic kidneys is gradually improved, and secretory urography or renal ultrasonography is easy to determine the diagnosis. In addition, radioactivity Radionuclide scanning, retrograde angiography, CT can often provide useful information for diagnosis. Simple cystoscopy is not enough to diagnose renal ectopic, unless the ureteral orifice is abnormal, suggesting upper urinary tract lesions. Angiography is in understanding the kidney. The blood flow condition determines the surgical plan, especially for unilateral ectopic kidneys.


Simple renal ectopic diagnosis

Most of the renal ectopic clinical symptoms have no typical symptoms, mainly due to the obstructive stones on the affected side. The ectopic kidney is rarely squeezed by adjacent organs to cause symptoms, but also due to urinary tract infections or A palpable abdominal mass was found, and occasional urinary incontinence due to renal ectopic ureteral dysfunction was reported. Colonic displacement usually provides a basis for the diagnosis of pelvic or lumbar ectopic kidney.

The pelvic kidney can be misdiagnosed as appendicitis, ileocecal tumor or tuberculosis, ovarian tumor and other diseases. Therefore, when the lower abdominal active mass is encountered clinically, the possibility of ectopic kidney should be considered.

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