

Brainless introduction No brain is a type of neural tube deformity. The occurrence of neural tube defects is caused by many factors in the genetic and environmental factors during the embryonic period, resulting in incomplete closure of the neural tube, resulting in no brain malformation, spina bifida and so on. Environmental factors directly or indirectly affect the embryo, especially in the third and fourth weeks of the embryo, which has a great influence on the nervous system and is prone to teratogenicity. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.0005% Susceptible population: pregnant women Mode of infection: non-infectious complication:


Brainless cause

Endocrine factors (15%):

Chorionic gonadotropin deficiency, because the female fetus needs this hormone more than the male fetus, so there are more brainless female fetus than male fetus;

Nutritional absorption (15%):

Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency can affect embryonic neural tube closure;

Pregnancy reaction (10%):

When pregnancy vomiting or pregnant women have diabetes caused by ketoacidosis;

Body temperature and high fever (10%):

Pregnant women with high fever above 38.5 °C for more than 1 week;

Improper medication (5%):

If the patient takes an estrogen contraceptive in the first trimester of pregnancy;

Genetic factors (10%):

The disease can also be a genetic disease, giving birth to a child without a brain, and the chance of giving birth without brain is 5% to 10%.


Brainless prevention

Prevention of congenital malformations such as brainlessness: It has been recognized that 3-8 weeks of pregnancy is a teratogenic sensitive period. Doing health care in this period is the key to preventing congenital malformations. The main points of health care in this issue are:

1. Avoid malnutrition and not partial eclipse;

2. Reduce the chance of exposure to infectious diseases (such as less public places, avoid contact with children with fever, etc.);

3, pregnancy vomiting should be treated in time;

4, medication should be prescribed;

5, the working environment should try to avoid or reduce exposure to toxic and hazardous materials;

6, daily life should be regular, reduce mental stimulation, no smoking and alcoholism


No brain complications Complication

No brain deformity often has amniotic fluid disease, the uterine body abdominal circumference is larger than the pregnancy month, the fetal head can not be touched, the fetal position is unclear, and the fetal heart sound is far away.


No brain symptoms, common symptoms, stillbirth, spina bifida

No brain is a type of neural tube deformity. No brain malformation: the brain is completely missing, and the scalp and calvaria are also missing. Only the basal nucleus is covered by fibrous connective tissue. After birth, the baby cannot survive and soon die. Scientific research has proved that the occurrence of neural tube defects is caused by many factors in the genetic and environmental conditions during the embryonic period, resulting in incomplete neural tube closure, resulting in no brain malformation, spina bifida and so on. Environmental factors directly or indirectly affect the embryo, especially in the third and fourth weeks of the embryo, which has a great influence on the nervous system and is prone to teratogenicity. Medical research is known to have more than 600 kinds of chemicals that can enter the fetus through the placental barrier of pregnant women. They can cause fertilized eggs to not be implanted, embryonic development is slow, or cause chromosomal mutations or gene mutations, which may cause miscarriage, stillbirth, and more. Lead to embryonic hypoplasia.


Brainless examination

Auxiliary inspection

1. Ultrasound examination: The horizontal section of the sheep>7cm indicates that the amniotic fluid is too much, and the fetal biparietal diameter cannot be measured. The B-mode ultrasound image does not show the aura of the fetal head.

2. X-ray film: see the fetus without cranial bone, and some have skull base. Often combined with spina bifida, visible vertebral body break or flattened defect.

3. Determination of alpha fetoprotein (AFP): AFP value in amniotic fluid is 4 to 10 times higher than the same number of gestational weeks or higher than the upper limit of normal sputum, and the AFP value in blood is also high. Generally, the normal average value plus 3 standard deviations is the upper limit of the normal value, especially before 20 weeks of gestation, the diagnosis is more significant.

4. Amniocentesis and fetal angiography can further understand whether the fetus is deformed or not. It should be used with caution because it is harmful to the mother and child.


Brainless diagnosis

(1) Medical history : Ask whether there are any diseases related to teratogenic factors during early pregnancy, whether there is a history of close relatives or a family history.

(2) Physical examination

1. Pregnancy examination, no brain deformity often has amniotic fluid disease, the uterine body abdominal circumference is larger than the pregnancy month, the fetal head can not be touched, the fetal position is unclear, and the fetal heart sound is far away.

2. At the time of labor, the anus examination, vaginal examination can be angled and the first exposed part is uneven, often suspected to be exposed. If the blood vessels at the top of the fetus are ruptured, the amniotic fluid may be bloody.

Treatment points

After the diagnosis, an induction of labor should be performed. If the amniotic fluid is too much, the membrane should be ruptured at a high level to promote its natural delivery.

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