lateral knee ligament injury


Brief introduction of knee lateral ligament injury Injury of lateral collateral ligament (knee joint) is relatively rare, mostly caused by violence on the inner side of the calf. When the knee is extended, the lateral joint capsule of the knee joint and the biceps tendon are in a state of tension. Together with ACL and PCL, the knee LCL is protected, so the knee LCL is not easily damaged. basic knowledge The proportion of illness: 0.001% Susceptible people: no specific population Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: common peroneal nerve injury


Causes of lateral knee ligament injury

(1) Causes of the disease

It is caused by violence on the inner side of the calf.

(two) pathogenesis

Lateral collateral ligament is due to the lateral joint capsule when the knee is straight. The muscle tension can protect the ligament and is not easily damaged. On the contrary, the lateral collateral ligament is not easy to be damaged when the knee is flexed, and the lateral collateral ligament is protected by the contralateral limb and the tendon bundle. The protection of the biceps femoris on the lateral side of the knee prevents the joint from adducting. Therefore, the lateral collateral ligament rupture is extremely rare. Unless the intensity of violence is applied to the inside of the knee or the inversion of the calf, the lateral collateral ligament can be broken and the ligament of the ligament is damaged. The severe ligament is avulsed from the styloid process of the humerus or avulsion fracture, and the lateral joint capsule rupture, the common peroneal nerve, the diaphragmatic tendon, the lateral head of the gastrocnemius, the tendon bundle and the biceps femoris can be simultaneously injured.


Knee lateral ligament injury prevention

The following points should be done in daily life:

First, do warm-up activities before the exercise, so that the joints heat up first.

Second, do not exercise under fatigue, so the reaction is slow, and the movement is not easy to coordinate.

Third, strengthen the exercises of lower limb strength to ensure the stability and flexibility of the knee joint.

Fourth, in sports, it is necessary to prevent accidental damage caused by rough movements.

Fifth, pay attention to the warmth of the knee joint, and the hot compress and massage of the knee joint can be performed regularly every day.

Sixth, avoid excessive fatigue of the knee joint, try not to do the knee joint squat exercise.

Seventh, those who are too obese should lose weight.

Eighth, avoid overload when exercising.


Complications of lateral knee ligament injury Complications, common peroneal nerve injury

Can be combined with humeral head fracture, common peroneal nerve injury.


Knee lateral ligament injury symptoms Common symptoms Knee joint avulsion fracture Knee joint swelling Knee joint swelling Hemorrhagic knee varus ligament rupture

KL LCL fracture occurs mostly at the stopping point, most of which are accompanied by avulsion fracture of the humeral head. Therefore, the main clinical symptoms are localized pain of the knee joint, swelling near the humeral head, subcutaneous congestion, local tenderness, knee joint activity disorder, sometimes Combined with common peroneal nerve injury.

The results of the knee varus stress test were: when the extension straight test was negative, the 30° flexion was positive, indicating that the knee joint LCL fractured with the posterior third of the lateral joint capsule ligament, the arch ligament, the diaphragmatic tendon injury; Both the position and the 30° flexion were positive, indicating that the knee LCL fracture was accompanied by a cruciate ligament rupture; when the extension was positive, the 30° flexion was negative, indicating that the knee LCL was broken or relaxed.


Examination of lateral knee ligament injury

X-ray films of the knee can be seen in the avulsion fracture of the humeral head, and the X-ray positive position of the knee is closed in the calf. The lateral space of the knee is obviously widened, which is of great value for judging the damage of the external LCL.


Diagnosis and diagnosis of lateral knee ligament injury

According to the history of intensive knee varus trauma, lateral knee pain, swelling and tenderness, the most obvious near the small head of the humerus, knee joint varus stress test (+), can confirm the diagnosis, X-ray examination, can be excluded from the fracture, and cut off The extent of LCL damage.

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