white diarrhea


Introduction to the day "White-skinned people, from the intestines to the cold air, beat the intestines, the body fluid stagnate into white, so it is white." The symptoms are like frozen gel or nasal discharge, and also see abdominal pain, heavy, can not eat, urinary clear Lee, or cold hands and feet. It is caused by cold and dampness and spleen yang injury. It is necessary to use mildew and dehumidification soup, ten-replenish soup and so on. More common in chronic bacterial dysentery, chronic allergic colitis and other diseases. If you see the disease under the white, sticky and pussy, abdominal pain, urgency and heavy, urinary red sputum, is a damp heat. "Zhangshi Medical" Volume 7: "Beginning from the beginning of the day, after the rush, heavy, frequent wants to go to the shackles, and go and there is not much, only to start and resuscitate in the abdomen, all caused by damp heat. basic knowledge Probability ratio: 5% of specific population Susceptible people: no specific people Mode of infection: non-infectious Complications: septic shock


Cause of white sputum

White sputum, from the intestines and cold air passengers, fighting in the intestines, the body fluid stagnation into white, it is also white. "The symptoms are like frozen gel or nasal discharge, and also see abdominal pain, heavy weight, can not eat, urinary clearing, or cold hands and feet, etc.. Caused by cold and dampness, spleen and yang injury. Choose Danggui Powder, Dehumidification Soup, Shibu Decoction, etc. It is more common in chronic bacterial dysentery, chronic allergic colitis and other diseases.


Chalk prevention

In order to prevent dysentery, the following points should be done: do a good job in environmental sanitation, strengthen toilet and manure management, eliminate flies and breeding grounds, and mobilize people to eliminate flies. Strengthen food hygiene and water management, especially for individuals and food vendors to conduct health supervision and inspection. For the cookers and caregivers of collective units and child care institutions, regular stools should be inspected for bacterial culture.


Chalk complications Complications septic shock

In severe cases, septic shock and/or toxic encephalopathy can occur.


Symptoms of ferrets Common symptoms Abdominal pain, jelly-like eating, abnormal hands and feet, cold stools, sticky

White peony is consistent with the bacterial sputum disease of modern medicine. It is an intestinal infectious disease caused by dysentery bacilli, which occurs in summer and autumn. The main clinical manifestations are fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, urgency, and mucus pus and bloody stools. In severe cases, septic shock and/or toxic encephalopathy can occur. The acute phase of the disease is generally more than a few days, and a small number of patients are prolonged and unhealed, and develop into chronic bacillary dysentery, which can be repeated.


Chalk inspection

Conventional, fecal white blood cells, fecal occult blood test (OBT), fecal traits, stool microscopy, fecal bacterial culture, urine routine, blood routine.


Diagnostic identification

Generally not confused with other diseases.

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