retinal incision technique

Retinal incision is a non-stereoscopic surgical technique. It is only suitable for extremely complex traction retinal detachment, extensive subretinal proliferation, large retinal tears, and a wide range of serrated detachment. This technology has certain risks and must be strictly controlled when applied. Treatment of diseases: optic glioma Indication Retinal incision techniques need to be performed on the basis of complete vitreous resection. Retinal incision is required in the following five cases: 1 extensive subretinal proliferation, proliferative cords propping up the retina, showing a typical "clothing rod"-like change, and the retina cannot be reset. 2 anterior proliferative vitreous lesions, retinal adhesions are funnel-shaped detachment and shortening, unable to return. 3 There are many subretinal fluids, and there are no holes in the posterior pole. It is necessary to perform intraocular gas-liquid exchange. 4 subretinal parasites (such as porcine cysticercosis), especially in the posterior pole, requiring intraocular surgery to remove. 5 Non-magnetic or non-metallic foreign bodies embedded in the retina and have a wrap, or a traumatic retinal incarceration. Surgical procedure 1, the application of retinal incision knife, from the original scleral incision, according to the direction of the subretinal strip, parallel or vertical strip cut, and then use the vitreous shear to cut the subretinal cord, remove. Thoroughly remove the traction under the retina. 2, the application of intraocular electrocoagulation needles, the retina is cut open, mostly used in the posterior pole retinal pores discharge (intraocular drainage). 3, the use of vitreous shear to cut the retina, for retinal traction, shortening, release of the retina. During the operation, it is necessary to avoid the retinal blood vessels as much as possible when cutting the retina. Pay attention to the depth of the incision and avoid damage to the choroid; when using the electrocoagulation needle, it should be quickly contacted more frequently to avoid retinal necrosis caused by too long contact time. When the retina is incision or perforation, keep away from the macular area. It is generally preferred to use the nasal or nasal lower quadrant.

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