Senning surgery

Intracardiac and extracardiac tunnels were made with atrial septal tissue and atrial wall to correct venous blood flow. The difference with Mustard is that only a small patch is used for intraventricular tunneling, which is conducive to preserving the developmental capacity of the atrium. Unlike the blood flow after Mustard, the passage through the heart, but through the extracardiac channel, there is no precision. The problem of patch design, postoperative atrial function is not affected, and vena cava and pulmonary vein occlusion are rare. Treatment of diseases: pulmonary venous drainage Indication 1. Complete ventricular septal transposition of the great aorta. 2. The ratio of left ventricle to right ventricle pressure is less than 0.6. Preoperative preparation 1. Conventional preparation of cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. 2. Oxygen inhalation, cardiac diuretic treatment of heart failure, correction of acidosis. Surgical procedure 1. The sternal midline incision. 2. Cut the happy package to verify the diagnosis. 3. Establish extracorporeal circulation. 4. Design the atrial incision. 5. Cut the happy room, cut open from the atrial septal defect to the inferior vena cava, and form a septal tissue piece. 6. The atrial septal tissue piece is sutured to cover the left edge of the left and lower pulmonary vein opening. If it is not large enough, the heart can be wrapped. 7. Cut the left atrial wall, suture the right edge of the right atrial incision and the atrial septal leading edge and bypass the superior and inferior vena cava openings, so that the upper and lower vena cava blood flows to the left atrium. 8. Use the pericardial patch to fill the left margin of the left atrial incision and the left margin of the right atrial incision to form a blood flow channel between the left atrium and the right ventricle. complication Arrhythmia and heart failure. Postoperative diet The heart, located in the chest, above the aponeurosis, between the two lungs, shaped like a drooping unopened lotus core, with a pericardial guard. The heart is the engine of the human body, and it is the source of power for supporting various organs. Only when the heart is healthy, the body will function normally. Therefore, in daily life, we should eat more food, such as red food, bitter food, and good health.

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