Swelling in the groin or obturator


Introduction Swelling at the groin or obturator, and touching the femoral head is one of the clinical diagnoses of anterior dislocation of the hip. Simple hip anterior dislocation is far less common in posterior dislocation. When the lower extremities are in excessive abduction and external rotation, the lever can dislocate them. There is a clear history of trauma. The affected limbs were abducted, externally rotated and flexed deformed, and the limbs were shortened and elastically fixed.



(1) Causes of the disease

When the lower extremities are in excessive abduction and external rotation, the lever can dislocate them.

(two) pathogenesis

There are two main mechanisms for anterior dislocation of the hip. The most common one is the excessive abduction and external rotation of the femur. When it reaches a certain level, the big trochanter collides with the upper edge of the acetabulum. At this time, a sudden outreach violence or a frontal violence is encountered behind the thigh. The anterior joint capsule can be torn, and the femoral head is dislocated, such as when falling from a height or catching football by football. Secondly, when the femur is abducted and externally rotated, the violence from the lateral side of the thigh can also produce anterior dislocation of the hip joint. Even when lying on the back, the strong pressure on the thigh, the femoral head is forwarded by the leverage of the hip joint and the pubic ligament (the above-mentioned "" ligament), causing anterior dislocation. For example, the mechanics under the locomotive under the locomotive suddenly collapsed and injured the lower limbs, causing the front dislocation. Bilateral anterior dislocation is an uncommon type of accident.


an examination

Related inspection

Abdominal examination of laparoscopic abdominal vascular ultrasound

1. There is a clear history of trauma.

2. The affected limb is abducted, externally rotated and flexed deformed, and the limb is shortened and elastic.

3, swelling at the groin or closed hole, and can touch the femoral head.

4. Some patients have shock.

5, X-ray examination: the femoral head can be found in the closed hole or near the upper pubis.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of swelling at the groin or at the obturator:

1, inguinal lymphadenopathy: lymph node enlargement is very common, often suggesting lesions in the tissues around the lymph nodes. Therefore, inguinal lymphadenopathy usually indicates lesions in the reproductive system and peritoneal organs around the groin, including systemic diseases.

2, perineal ulcer: genital ulcer refers to the loss or exfoliation of the normal epithelium of the skin mucosa in the anus and genital area. Because the cause of genital ulcers is complex and diverse, it usually represents a type of disease including a variety of skin diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and the like.

3, groin pain: Many people do not care about groin pain, especially mild pain, but in fact, groin pain is a symptom of many diseases.


Traumatic history, the affected limb was abducted, external rotation and flexion deformity, limb shortening, elastic fixation, femoral head can be touched in the groin or obturator, X-ray film can be diagnosed.

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