nervous tremor


Introduction Nervous hand shaking refers to the trembling of the hand due to mental stress, which is a manifestation of social disorder. It is due to excessive mental stress or certain mental illnesses, mental illnesses, etc., which cause irregular rhythmic vibrations of the hands. Common causes are caused by psychological factors. This problem often creates a situation in which the patient feels fear. For example, you are very worried that your hands will tremble when someone else is present. When someone comes to you, your hand is really shaking.



Caused by psychological reasons, in order to worry about their own things (such as typing), they are not good enough. After being discovered by others, they will have a bad attitude and evaluation, which will lead to hand shaking.


an examination

Related inspection

Neurological examination, electroencephalography, cranial nerve examination

This problem often creates a situation in which the patient feels fear. For example, you are very worried that your hands will tremble when someone else is present. When someone comes to you, your hand is really shaking. In anticipatory anxiety disorders, anxiety that causes symptoms of a psychological reaction can exacerbate or cause symptoms. The appearance of symptoms further strengthens the expectant anxiety, thus forming a vicious circle. In this vicious circle, you are closed and unable to extricate yourself.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of nervous hand shake:

Pathological hand shake: medically known as "tremor"; refers to the hand's involuntary vibration, often permanent. Mainly divided into two types: static hand movement and sports hand movement. The static hand shake is the hand shake that occurs when the muscle is completely relaxed, that is, in a quiet state. This kind of hand shake can disappear when sleeping, the hand shake speed is 4-6 times / sec, more regular, typical diseases such as Parkinson's syndrome. Exercise hand shake is the only hand shake when exercising, and the jitter is aggravated when the motion is close to the target. If the doctor gives the patient a finger-nose test, ask the patient to straighten the forearm; then use the index finger to point to the tip of the nose; the closer the tip of the index finger is to the tip of the nose, the more obvious the hand shakes. The movement of the hand movement is irregular, the amplitude of the vibration is large, and it is enhanced by the emotion, which is common in the lesions of the cranial nerve and the upper limb nerve.

Common diseases that cause pathological hand movement clinically include: upper limb neurological diseases and injuries, brain tissue diseases, and drug-induced hand shake. Hand shake is a common phenomenon in the elderly. The two hands were shaking, and eating and writing were seriously affected, which made the old people very distressed. This type of jitter is called tremor in medicine. Although the tremor is manifested as the shaking of the hand, the root of the disease is often annoyed, and the area that is responsible for the coordination function of the exercise is damaged by a certain disease, causing tremor. Clinically, tremor paralysis, cerebral arteriosclerosis, midbrain or cerebellar flat lesions, hepatic encephalopathy, drug poisoning, dementia, etc., may cause the elderly to shake hands. According to medical research, eating broad beans and coffee can effectively control tremor. Family members can give the elderly more to eat these two kinds of food.

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