Early period


Introduction Menstruation is advanced in advance of menstruation, and the menstrual cycle of normal women is about 28 days. If the menstrual cycle is always more than 7 days in advance, or even two people in a month, it is called premenstrual period, also known as menstrual advance. Or "early". If only 3-5 days ahead, and no other obvious symptoms, it is the normal range. Occasionally ahead of time, it is not considered to be advanced. Diseases such as lesions or drugs can cause: including local inflammation of the reproductive organs, tumor and developmental abnormalities, malnutrition; intracranial diseases; other endocrine dysfunction such as thyroid.



Chinese medicine believes that menstruation can be normal, and the liver, spleen, kidney and Chong Ren two are the most relevant. The reasons for the early menstruation are mainly related to the following two factors.

Factor 1: Blood heat: Sustained yang, or excessive consumption of spicy foods and supplements, or emotional depression, or chronic illness and blood loss, are prone to blood heat. When the blood gets hot, the flow rate is also increased, so that the menstrual period is advanced. "Danxi Heart Law" said: "After the water is not coming, the blood is also hot." Blood heat has real heat, virtual heat, liver stagnation heat.

Factor 2: Qi deficiency: People who are out of balance or overworked are most vulnerable to temper. The spleen is the "manager" of the blood, the "manager" is weak, and the "manager" is inevitably taking the opportunity to "make the wind and do the waves", leading to the menstruation coming in advance. For example, "Jing Yue Quanshu Women's Regulations" cloud: "If the pulse certificate does not have fire, and those who have not passed the early stage, it is spleen and qi deficiency, can not be fixed."


an examination

Related inspection

Gynecological ultrasound examination vaginal gynecological routine examination gynecological health checkup

Normal menstruation index


Every woman's cycle is not the same, from 21 days to 35 days are normal, the key is whether it is punctual. Regular sex life (eg, once a week) can help you comb the hormones, which is very helpful for the regularity of menstruation.

Blood volume:

The amount of blood lost by women during menstruation should be within 85 grams for 3 to 7 days. The maximum amount of bleeding is concentrated in the first 3 days (90% of the total blood loss).

Blood clot:

If the menstrual blood is blocked in the same area and not discharged in time, a blood clot will form after 5 to 10 minutes of hoarding. Blood clots usually just get up in the morning or sit for a long time.

Meridian color:

Normal menstrual blood is dark red, sticky and free of clots. If the menstrual blood is as thin as water, it is pink, black or purple, or the menstrual blood is completely clot, it is not normal, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Menstrual period:

The menstrual period of women is about 3-7 days. When the amount of bleeding is the most, it is concentrated in the first 3 days, and then gradually decreases until the menstrual blood is clean. Some people have come a little after a day or two after the blood has been cleaned. It is commonly called "menstrual blood returning to the head", which is also a normal phenomenon. However, some people have a menstrual period of 10-20 days, and menstruation is inexhaustible; some menstrual periods are extremely short, just "swinging". Both of these phenomena are not normal.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of menstrual period:

1, menstrual cycle changes: If your normal menstrual cycle changes, menstrual blood volume increased, menstrual period and irregular menstruation need to consider uterine fibroids. Myoma of uterus, also known as uterine leiomyoma, is the most common benign tumor of the female genitalia. More asymptomatic, a small number of vaginal bleeding, abdominal mass and compression symptoms. Pain can occur if pedicle torsion or other conditions occur. Multiple uterine fibroids are common. The exact cause of the disease is unknown. Modern western medicine adopts sex hormone or surgical treatment, and there is no other ideal therapy. Uterine fibroids occur in women with 30-45 years of age with ovarian function. After 50 years of age, most of the fibroids shrink by themselves due to the obvious decline of ovarian function.

2, menstrual disorders: menstrual disorders are also called menstrual irregular gynecological common diseases. It is characterized by an abnormality in the menstrual cycle or the amount of bleeding, or abdominal pain and systemic symptoms before and during menstruation. The cause may be organic lesions or dysfunction. Many systemic diseases such as blood diseases, hypertension, liver disease, endocrine diseases, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole, reproductive tract infections, tumors (such as ovarian tumors, uterine fibroids) can cause menstrual disorders. The menstrual cycle is always more than 7 days in advance.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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