

Introduction Rosacea, also known as rose acne, is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that occurs mainly in the center of the face and is erythema and telangiectasia. More common in middle-aged people aged 30 to 50, more common in women. The cause is not yet fully understood. It may be based on the sebum overflow, due to the action of various harmful factors in the body and outside, the vasomotor function of the affected part is dysfunctional, and the capillary is long-term expansion. Hair follicles and local recurrent infections are important factors in the pathogenesis. Alcohol, smoking, irritating diet, digestive tract dysfunction, endocrine dysfunction (especially menopause), mental factors, focal infections, long-term effects on the skin, such as high temperature work, sun exposure, cold, wind blowing, etc. Can induce and aggravate the disease.



At present, the general medical books believe that the cause of rosacea is mainly aphid infection, so it is also called sputum nose for aphid dermatitis. Therefore, the treatment of rosacea is mainly to kill mites, and more topical sulphur ointment, metronidazole. Ointment, oral metronidazole, tinidazole and other acaricides. Several years of clinical observations have confirmed that such treatments are very ineffective for rosacea. It also shows from the side that the cause of rosacea is not only a simple mites infection, but also may be caused by oily skin.

There are six reasons for this:

(1) Those who are addicted to tobacco, alcohol and those who like spicy spicy food;

(2) gastrointestinal disorders such as indigestion, habitual constipation, etc.;

(3) Those with cardiovascular diseases and endocrine disorders;

(4) Those with irregular menstruation;

(5) Those with intranasal diseases or infections in other parts of the body;

(6) The hair follicles are creeping and causing the disease.


an examination

Histopathology: telangiectasia, hypertrophy of sebaceous gland hyperplasia, dermal connective tissue hyperplasia and sebaceous gland enlargement, non-case-like epithelial cell-like granuloma in granulomatous lesions, and sarcoidosis-like lupus-like rosacea, facial dispersal miliary Lupus and the like are similar.

1 hair follicle Demodex examination.

2 histopathological examination.


Differential diagnosis

The rosacea is easily confused with these diseases:

1. Discoid lupus erythematosus: a clear red or pale erythema with a clear boundary. The central sag is atrophied with hair follicles. The surface of the horn plug is often covered with adhesive nail-like scaly. The lesions are distributed in a butterfly shape, which is more common in young women.

2. Acne vulgaris: mainly seen in adolescence, the damage is follicular papules, and the tendency to remove sebum can be caused by hand squeeze. Suppuration is often accompanied by acne. The chest and back can also occur in addition to the face.

3. Facial eczema: It is a severe itching of polymorphous skin lesions, and there may be exudation and infiltration after scratching.

4. Hemorrhoids: mainly seen in adolescence, in addition to invading the face, skin lesions are often violated, there are typical blackheads, and the nose is often inviolable.

The disease is more common in middle-aged people, more women than men, but male patients are more serious, skin lesions occur in the center of the face, symmetric distribution. Common in the nose, cheeks, eyebrows, crotch. The main symptoms are flushing of the nose, greasy surface, and persistent itching, burning and pain. In the early nose, red papules, herpes and pustules appeared, the capillaries of the nose were severely congested, and the branches of the capillaries were clearly visible to the naked eye. Finally, nodules and uneven hyperplasia of the size appeared on the nose, and the nose was hypertrophied. Discomfort, seriously affecting the aesthetics of the patient.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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