Withdrawal-like reaction


Introduction Class withdrawal response refers to the specific psychological syndrome that occurs when the drug is stopped or the dosage is reduced or the use of the antagonist to occupy the receptor is used. The withdrawal symptoms caused by different drugs vary according to their pharmacological properties, and generally manifest as symptoms opposite to the drugs used. For example, after alcohol withdrawal, there are symptoms such as excitement, insomnia, and even seizures. It is due to the adaptive rebound caused by sudden withdrawal after long-term medication.



It is due to the adaptive rebound caused by sudden withdrawal after long-term medication.


an examination

Related inspection

Neurological examination of the nervous system cytology

The withdrawal symptoms caused by different drugs vary according to their pharmacological properties, and generally manifest as symptoms opposite to the drugs used. For example, after alcohol withdrawal, there are symptoms such as excitement, insomnia, and even seizures.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of withdrawal syndrome:

1. Withdrawal reaction: Withdrawal reaction refers to the special psychological syndrome that occurs after the drug is stopped or the dose is used or the antagonist is used to occupy the receptor.

2, drug dependence: drug dependence (drugdependence), also known as drug addiction, refers to the physical and physical changes caused by the interaction of the body and drugs, and often in behavior to re-experience the mental effects of these drugs, sometimes In order to avoid the unpleasantness caused by the absence of drugs, the characteristics of a compulsive desire to use the drug periodically and continuously. There may or may not be resistance, but more than one drug dependence may exist for the same individual. Drug dependence is a special term, also known as drug addiction or drug addiction, also known as "drug addiction." Drug dependence is divided between psychological dependence and physiological dependence. This concept was gradually formed in the 1960s. Prior to this, what people call addiction refers to physical dependence alone, and psychological dependence is called habituality.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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