Urethral adhesions


Introduction The normal urethra has urethral glands, which can secrete a small amount of mucus every day to lubricate and protect the urethra. Under normal circumstances, these mucus remain in the urethra and have a protective effect on the urethra mucosa. When the urethra or prostate is inflamed, the secretions may increase. After the urethral secretions are dried in the outer urethra, the mucosa and the skin on both sides of the urethra are slightly adhered, the urinary passage is slightly unsatisfactory, and bifurcation occurs in the initial stage of urination. The urine will stick out and the fork will disappear.



1. Prostatitis, due to inflammation of the prostate, a large amount of prostate secretions flow out of the urethra so that the urethra can be adhered. If you have frequent urethral adhesions and symptoms of urinary urgency, you should seek medical advice promptly.

2. Because the phimosis shift can also make the urethral orifice stick, but you can find it by yourself and you can handle it yourself.

3. Urethral gland inflammation can also make the urethral orifice adhesion. If the urethral orifice is stuck and accompanied by abnormal urine, you should do a professional examination.


an examination

Related inspection

Urine routine urethral secretion examination urethral opening examination

1. The urine of people with prostatitis has low drainage and can not fully enclose the urethral opening, so there is a phenomenon of adhesion of the urethra.

2, prostatitis does not have any symptoms in the early stage of the disease, many patients will not even notice. As for the common symptoms of patients with symptoms, it is difficult to urinate, urine can not be discharged for a long time, urine is slow or not smooth, pain is felt when urinating, blood is urinated, swollen lymph nodes appear in the groin, lower back, pelvis and thigh pain.

3, acute urethral bulbitis: the pathogen of urethral purulent infection can directly affect the urethral gland in the urethra, causing acute urethral bulbitis. The disease is most likely to induce acute urethral bulbitis during urethral irrigation, and is also prone to occur in patients with urethral stricture.

4, chronic urethral ball gland inflammation: due to the prolonged unhealed acute urethral ballitis, often no obvious clinical symptoms, in the formation of acute inflammation can appear obvious clinical symptoms. The rectal examination can touch the induration on both sides of the midline of the perineum and have a certain degree of tenderness.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of urethral adhesions:

1. There are erythema and edema in the urethra: repeated episodes of Candida balanitis appear as erythema at the glans, and there may be small pustules or small papules on the surface. It can also be expressed as local edema of the glans mucosa, mild desquamation at the edges, and the presence of papules and small pustules to expand around to form glans erosion.

2, the formation of tunica in the urethra: the urine sensation caused by mycoplasma, its clinical manifestations are similar to the general bacterial urinary sensation, in the morning when the urethra is found to have a white film formation.

3, nodular or red hemorrhagic mass in the urethra: early symptoms of paraurethral adenocarcinoma are dysuria, urethral bleeding, frequent urination, dysuria. A nodular or red hemorrhagic mass appears in the distal urethra or urethra, and local swelling of the urethra can reach the mass. When the tumor is enlarged, it can block the urethra or expand into the vestibular vestibule and vaginal opening, and there are obvious ulcers and hemorrhagic masses, accompanied by pain and possible metastasis of the groin and pelvic lymph nodes.

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