Positive urine pregnancy test


Introduction The urine pregnancy test is also known as the early pregnancy test, which determines whether a pregnancy is determined by measuring whether a certain human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is contained in the urine. Normal non-pregnant women are negative and pregnant women are positive. Positive urine pregnancy test means that the result of the test is positive, that is, the tester is a pregnant woman, that is, pregnant.



1. A positive reaction can occur after 35 to 40 days of normal pregnancy. The positive degree is the strongest at 60-90 days of pregnancy, and the positive rate is over 98%. It may decline or be negative after 120 days.

2. In addition to normal pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, incomplete abortion, choriocarcinoma, malignant mole, teratoma, etc. can also be positive.

Urine test results can be used as a reference, and if necessary, blood HCG values should be measured.

The urine pregnancy test is also known as the early pregnancy test. It is to determine whether pregnancy is caused by detecting whether the urine contains certain human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Normal non-pregnant women are negative, and pregnant women are positive. Generally, the urine pregnancy test will be positive after 35 days of menopause.


an examination

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After strictly following the instructions, the result is: a red reaction line appears at the position of the detection line and the position of the control line, that is, two red lines are positive for the test paper.

Pre-pregnancy reaction: The first manifestation of early pregnancy, that is, early pregnancy is menopause, childbearing age, regular menstrual cycle rules, once the menstrual period is 10 days or more, it should be suspected of pregnancy. If the menstruation has reached 8 weeks, the likelihood of pregnancy is greater. Menopause is the earliest and most important symptom of a woman who may be pregnant. Of course, menopause is not necessarily a pregnancy. Lactating women may still be pregnant again without returning to menstruation. After strictly following the instructions, the result is: a red reaction line appears at the position of the detection line and the position of the control line, that is, two red lines are positive for the test paper.


Differential diagnosis

Negative pregnancy test: missed abortion is also known as expired abortion or stillbirth. Refers to the embryo death and still stay in the uterine cavity, and the pregnancy products are generally discharged within 1 to 2 months after the symptoms are produced. Therefore, it is stipulated that the embryos have not been naturally discharged 2 months after the embryo ceases to develop, which is called missed abortion. Pregnant women often have a threatened abortion in early pregnancy, after which the uterus no longer grows up, but gradually shrinks, and is not as soft as normal pregnancy. The pregnancy test changed from positive to negative, and the placenta was mechanically adhered to the uterine wall and was not easily separated. On the other hand, due to insufficient sex hormones, the uterine contractility is reduced, and it is difficult to discharge and the uterine cavity is reserved. After the embryo dies, the placenta dissolves, and the lysozyme is produced into the maternal blood circulation, causing blood coagulation in the microvessels, consuming a large amount of clotting factors, and the longer the period of the uterine cavity is, the greater the possibility of causing coagulation dysfunction. In recent years, B-ultrasound has been widely used in clinical practice. It can be used to detect fetal sac and fetal buds after 6 to 7 weeks of menopause. If you suspect that the embryo has stopped developing, you can use B-ultrasound to make a diagnosis and treatment in time. Therefore, it is suggested that the term "missing abortion" should be used again, but the clinical symptoms are not obvious, and the patient's attention is not noticed. The embryonic death of the embryo is longer in the diagnosis.

Pregnancy reaction: In the early pregnancy (about six weeks after menopause), the increase of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in pregnant women, decreased gastric acid secretion and prolonged gastric emptying, leading to dizziness, loss of appetite, appetite food or disgusting greasy nausea, morning A series of reactions such as vomiting, collectively referred to as pregnancy reaction. These symptoms generally do not require special treatment. After 12 weeks of gestation, as the level of HCG in the body decreases, the symptoms naturally disappear and the appetite returns to normal. But to remind pregnant women that not all vomiting is an early pregnancy reaction. Because hormones and HCG work together to cause pregnancy reactions in early pregnancy, each person will have different physical changes in pregnancy response according to differences in physical fitness. Popularly speaking, it is not the same individual, and the degree of reaction is different. Symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy generally occur during the period from 6 weeks of menopause to 3 months of pregnancy.

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