Skin pain


Introduction Skin pain is divided into two types: fast pain and slow pain. Quick pain occurs quickly when the skin is stimulated. It is a sharp and sharp tingling. It disappears quickly after the stimulation is removed. Slow pain is a kind of positioning. Unclear and intolerable burning pain, usually produced after 0.5 to 1 second after stimulation, lasts longer, accompanied by changes in heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and mood. Skin pain, certificate name.



Skin pain, certificate name. "Lingshu, Wuxie": "The evil is in the lungs, then the skin is painful." The main fur of the lungs has the functions of protecting the muscles and strengthening the bones. Skin pain is caused by fire evil invading the lungs. "The source of miscellaneous diseases, rhinoceros, and the origin of the skin of the muscles and bones" on the differentiation and treatment of skin pain: "The pain of the heart, deep into the flesh, should be led to increase and decrease; the pain of fire, if you want to pick up your hand, Adding and reducing cold and phlegm, the pain of wind and heat, itching and pain, should be long and clear, the pain of the lungs through the fire, can not be pressed, should diarrhea lung soup."


an examination

Related inspection

Intradermal test blood routine skin microscopy

The rapid pain occurs very quickly when the skin is stimulated. It is a sharp and sharp sting that is quickly removed after the stimulation is removed.

Slow pain is a burning pain that is unclear and unbearable. It usually occurs after 0.5-1 seconds after stimulation, and lasts longer, accompanied by increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, increased breathing and mood. change.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of skin pain:

1. Visceral pain: refers to the pain of internal organs. Compared with skin pain, the characteristics of visceral pain are: (1) visceral pain is slow, persistent, unclear, poorly resolved to stimuli, skin pain is rapid pain, accurate positioning, and strong ability to resolve stimuli. (2) Stimulating skin irritation such as cutting, burning, etc., can not cause visceral pain, while mechanical traction, ischemia, spasm and inflammation can cause visceral pain.

2, skin lightning pain: If there is "lightning pain" on the surface of the skin, and a similar situation occurs for several days, it may be suffering from asymptomatic herpes zoster.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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