subcutaneous fat granules


Introduction Fat granules are small white mites that grow on the skin and are about the size of a needle. They look like a small white sesame, usually on the face, especially in the eyes of women. The fat granules are caused by tiny wounds on the skin, and in the process of self-repair of the skin, a small white cyst is formed. It is also possible that sebum is covered by keratin and cannot be properly discharged to the epidermis, thereby accumulating white particles formed in the skin. It is generally beige granules around the eyes. More on the forehead, knees.



1. Causes of the body: Most of the oil and fat in the eyes and face are due to the recent imbalance of body endocrine, resulting in excessive secretion of facial oil. In addition, the skin is not thoroughly cleaned, causing pores to clog and form fat particles quickly.

2, external factors: around the eyes is the thinnest skin of the whole body, about 0.07 mm, and there is no subcutaneous gland, plus the human eye frequently twitching day, especially easy to lack water, dry, fatigue, so it is easier to wrinkle than other places It is easy to form fat granules.


an examination

Related inspection

skin color

1. Millet rash: The cause of this millet rash is hyperkeratosis of the skin at the opening of the sweat gland; there is no solution in Western medicine and it is attributed to benign. Some medical experts believe that it is related to endocrine, and some scholars believe that it is a simple skin disease; therefore, these two different views will appear in different versions of textbooks. In fact, mild millet rash can be attributed to Simple skin diseases can also be solved according to the method of western medicine's first needle picking and post-disinfection. This situation is limited to a small number, long-term stability, and small whiteheads; most cases of millet are closely related to endocrine. The most common manifestation is that it will re-grow after the needle is picked, and even the overall number is increasing, or a new millet rash is regenerated elsewhere.

There is no way for this kind of millet rash Western medicine. Western medicine is used in surgery, antibiotics, nerve blockers and various tests, but for all kinds of conditioning and functional improvement and repair, Western medicine is almost a blank; therefore, the latter case of millet rash, if conventional Western medicine treatment - treatment with hormones or nerve blockers can relieve symptoms, but because it can not regulate endocrine, it is difficult to cure because it only makes a fuss about the skin itself. Even many dermatologists of Western medicine believe that intractable fat granules and seborrheic dermatitis are incurable diseases. In fact, it is not. Everything will find the right way and method, and the problem will be solved.

2. The second situation is: itself is not a millet rash, but acne acne, is a morphological variation caused by excessive treatment of acne acne with external medication. The core problem of acne acne is that the skin's resistance to disease is low, making the skin infected with acne bacteria. Under normal circumstances, this acne acne should be manifested in the opening of the hair, the accumulation of sebum and acne bacteria caused by skin inflammation, the formation of larger acne morphology and white pus.

However, in real life, because our country is not strict with hormone control, many functional cosmetics, oil control facial cleanser, toner that shrinks pores and pores, and many acne products use hormone as the main functional ingredient, making these acne acne Under the action of hormones, the inflammatory state disappears and the secretion of sebum decreases. And just leaving a small fat granule at the opening of the hair, it is easy for doctors and everyone to mistake this fat granule, millet rash, but in fact it is essentially different from the millet rash, that is: millet rash has no bacteria Infection, and it is a acne bacillus infection, the millet rash is a fat granule formed by itself, and it is a fat granule formed by the action of hormones. The core of the millet rash is the low ability of endocrine and skin regulation, and it is skin and endocrine. The ability to adjust and disease is low, so this treatment is not based on the treatment of millet rash, but the treatment of severe acne.

3. The third type is abnormality of the cutaneous nervous system: mainly the opening of the hair, the abnormal function of the pilose muscle and the hyperkeratosis of the skin. The biggest characteristic of this situation is that there is no fat granules in itself, but the hairs at the opening of the hairs. The muscles are abnormally excited and abnormal, and the skin at the opening of the hair is abnormally hyperkeratotic, so the form of a typical millet rash is formed. When you really use a needle to pick it up, it is found that it does not contain fat particles. In many cases, it is more common in endocrine disorders. Strictly speaking, it is more common in the neuro-endocrine system. The nerves have an imbalance in this part of skin control.

In this case, Chinese medicine has a very vivid noun, called skin wind, which means coming and going like the wind: when the skin is found to have such a papular lesion, it may be in the skin for a long time, it will exist for a long time. When you treat or adjust to a certain degree, it quickly and suddenly disappears and disappears. Because the core of the disease is that the nervous system has obstacles to the regulation of the skin, and disorders occur. Therefore, if a hormone-based ointment that blocks nerves is used for treatment, it is of course not effective and will aggravate the disorder. This situation can of course be solved only by the methods of Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine regulation.

4. The fourth situation is not a single situation. Therefore, the following problems are all attributed to the fourth situation. This means that these conditions are more serious and can only be fully conditioned with traditional Chinese medicine. The lesions are manifested in the skin. The core problem is inside the body. It requires not only the superb level of Chinese medicine, but also the two-way serious cooperation. It is necessary to calm down and slowly treat and slowly adjust.

The serious situation is as large as the following aspects. First, a piece of millet rash, especially with a lot of external supplies, it is often difficult for a long time; second, stubborn acne, after the sequelae left with hormones, acne problems are often not terrible, not difficult to solve, and What is really difficult to solve is the sequelae of hormones; the third is the systemic neuroendocrine system disorder; the fourth is sebaceous adenoma, which looks like fat granules, but it is a tumor after all, although it grows slowly, But it will grow up, its treatment is much more difficult than the treatment of fat granules, and close to the treatment of tumors; the fifth, seborrheic dermatitis mixed with multiple lesions.

In theory, dermatitis with fat granules, accompanied by peeling, accompanied by oil, is called seborrheic dermatitis; medical theory of seborrheic dermatitis is a separate disease name, and in real life due to hormones Abuse, now showing symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, is often a mixture of more complicated atopic dermatitis, hormonal dermatitis, fat granules, millet rash, acne and other skin diseases. Simple seborrheic dermatitis is rare.

In each of these four situations, each has its own treatment. Not all of them can be solved with external products. On the contrary, most of them should not use external products, but use internal adjustment, or take Chinese medicine, or It is to drink tea to solve.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of subcutaneous fat granules:

(A) bonfire condensed subcutaneous syndrome: the syndrome and the wet sputum flow skin subcutaneous syndrome can cause subcutaneous agglomeration, the main lesions are basically the same, but the pathogenesis is different. The bonfire condenses the subcutaneous syndrome of lung and kidney yin deficiency, liver qi stagnation, virtual fire burning, smelting liquid is sputum, smoldering condenses in Shaoyang, Yangming collateral; wet sputum flow gathers the lower card, which means that the air machine is not smooth. Due to emotional internal injuries, spleen deficiency caused by loss.

(B) Wake II's panniculitis: the disease, also known as the return to thermal nodular non-suppurative panniculitis, is a subcutaneous fat with inflammatory nodules and recurrent regression of fever-like fever. It is an allergic reaction or autoimmune disease, which occurs mostly in women aged 20-60 years. It is mainly caused by subcutaneous nodules in the skin of the whole body. It may have tenderness or crushing pain. Most patients have fever, joint pain, general malaise, etc. symptom.

(3) Skin porcine cysticercosis: This disease refers to the parasitic skin disease caused by the swine mites parasitic on the skin. The clinical subcutaneous nodules of the broad bean size are not painful or itchy, and the skin does not adhere to the underlying tissues. Adhesion, moderate hardness and elasticity, long-term calcification, and even rupture is characterized by ingestion of pork or beef and mutton (undercooked) containing pig cysticercosis. It is not difficult to see from the above identification that the same disease will appear in different syndrome types, so the different rules of the syndrome will be different from the legislation. Therefore, it is recommended that you go to the doctor and let the doctor comprehensively combine your objective indicators. Discrimination is objective and scientific.

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