daytime sleepiness nighttime sleepiness


Introduction Daytime sleepiness Nighttime insomnia usually refers to a change in the patient's sleep cycle, drowsiness during the day, and no sleepiness at night and a subjective experience of social function during the day. Doctors usually think that daytime sleepiness is caused by insufficient sleep at night or poor sleep at night, which makes the circadian clock and sleep disorder. Snoring while sleeping, and breathing intermittent phenomenon, can affect the quality of sleep. Being overweight can also cause excessive sleepiness during the day. Diabetes is also very closely related to daytime sleepiness. Depression, hypothyroidism often manifests as lethargy.



1, doctors usually think that daytime sleepiness is caused by insufficient sleep at night or poor sleep at night, making the circadian clock and sleep disorder.

2, there are sleep apnea, that is, snoring while sleeping, and there are intermittent breathing, can affect the quality of sleep.

3, obesity: overweight can also cause an important cause of excessive sleepiness during the day.

4. Diabetes is also very closely related to daytime sleepiness. Among those with diabetes, they are nearly twice as likely to have daytime sleepiness as others.

5, depression: may be the main cause of excessive sleepiness during the day, among those who receive depression, the chance of being too drowsy during the day is three times the normal level.

6, hypothyroidism: hypothyroidism patients with low basal metabolism, often have sleepiness.

7, lack of nutrition: eating less nutrients is easy to lead to sleepiness and sleep. Eat more protein food can improve symptoms.


an examination

Related inspection

Poliovirus antibody (Polio-Ab) cerebrospinal fluid magnesium cerebrospinal fluid sodium cerebrospinal fluid lead urinary lead

Daytime sleepiness is more common among young people under the age of 30 and older people over the age of 75. Young people are often due to lack of sleep or depression, and the elderly are mostly caused by diseases. They should go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Therefore, middle-aged people always love to be sleepy, should first find the above reasons, if necessary, do blood sugar, thyroid function test, etc., in order to exclude pathological reasons.

For those who have no obvious reasons, don't worry, re-adjust their life, concentrate on work during the day, or arrange some activities of interest, strengthen physical exercise. Take a nap at noon and ensure the quality of sleep at night. This will give you plenty of energy during the day.


Differential diagnosis

Sleep disorders are actually what is commonly called "sleeping bad". It is very different from the so-called "insomnia". In other words, sleep disorders are a type of insomnia, and "insomnia" is not equal to "insomnia". "This is a misunderstanding in common sense. You can't simply confuse "insomnia" with sleep disorders. The main differences are:

In general, the causes of sleep disorders are relatively clear, and most can be found and corrected. In addition, sleep disorders are not diseases, but only poor sleep performance, is a health problem that should be paid attention to. In daily life, most people will have a sleep disorder twice or once in a certain period of time, without panic or special treatment. Proper adjustment or treatment of those primary diseases such as depression that cause sleep disorders can be improved. Sleep.

Insomnia is a common and frequently-occurring disease. In clinical practice, insomnia refers to sleep disorders of more than 3 weeks, and refers to sleep disorders that lack sleep, such as difficulty falling asleep, early awakening, etc., making patients feel sleep severely. Insufficient, conscious fatigue, dizziness, lack of energy. If left unchecked, it can often be aggravated and cause many other diseases, such as anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disease, premature beats, arrhythmia and so on.

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