chipped nails


Introduction The lack of marks on the tip of the nail refers to the symptom of the lack of marks on the tip of the nail. Nail defects are caused by parasites in the human body. Human skin, nails, etc. are attacked by tiny insects such as aphids. The human digestive tract is an ideal habitat for pork mites and beef mites. Parasites parasitic in the human body cause malnutrition by taking the nutrition of the human body, causing mechanical damage to the local body. The secretions of parasites, excretions and decomposition products of dead insects have toxic effects on the host, and induce hypersensitivity of the host. The reaction damages the body, accompanied by nail scars.



There are parasites in the human body. The surface of a person's skin is attacked by tiny insects such as aphids. The human digestive tract is an ideal habitat for pork mites and beef mites. Traditional Chinese medicine has long recognized that parasites can cause diseases, and they are called "worms". Most of them are caused by inadvertent diet, eating cold fruits and unclean foods, and they are endangered by insects. product. Insects often have abdominal pain, poor appetite, yellow face and other symptoms.


an examination

Related inspection

Trace element detection in human body fungus check fecal parasite

There are signs of missing marks on the tip of the nail.

1 History of epidemiology: from epidemic areas, such as schistosomiasis with history of exposure to water, paragonimiasis, history of unfamiliar stone crabs.

2 clinical manifestations: each has its clinical features, peripheral blood eosinophils tend to increase.

3 pathogen examination: find the body in the body fluid or secretions, such as fecal smear or agglomeration to check the intestinal protozoa trophozoites, cysts or worm eggs, peripheral blood smear to find malaria parasites, parasites in the host tissue It can be diagnosed by biopsy or puncture.

4 Immunological examination: Currently commonly used methods are intradermal test and serum immunoassay. The intradermal test can be divided into immediate response and delayed response, and the former is the former, which can be used as a clinical screening or epidemiological investigation. Serum immunological tests include indirect red blood cell agglutination test (IHA), indirect fluorescent antibody technology (IFT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The sensitivity of the former is high, and the sensitivity and specificity of the latter two are high. These methods are mainly used to detect specific antibodies of the host, and methods for detecting circulating antigens or excreting antigens have also been established for early diagnosis and efficacy evaluation.

5 other tests, such as ultrasound.


Differential diagnosis

Middle nail depression: refers to the symptoms of the concave texture of the nail of the middle finger. Excessive uric acid and muscle soreness.

There are depressions on the fingertips of the fingertips: the symptoms of nails appearing on the edges of the fingertips. It may be that arteriosclerosis and cancer are growing.

Nail resembles mica: it indicates parasites in the body.

The end of the nail is linear: it is a manifestation of lymphatic or organ resistance.

There are signs of missing marks on the tip of the nail.

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