Mental age is less than biological age


Introduction Mental age refers to the psychological state of a person at a certain stage. The psychological age is often different from the physiological age. This difference is generally manifested in three aspects: the psychological age is less than the physiological age: when this happens, it proves that a person's mental health is better, but the psychological age is too low. It is uncoordinated and unhealthy. The psychological age is greater than the physiological age: this happens, that is, "premature aging" is a manifestation of poor mental health. Only the third type - the psychological age and the physical age are basically consistent, is the performance of mental health. People with too young a mental age will show up and be immature and difficult to adapt to society; people who are psychologically younger than the actual age will appear too naive to be detrimental to the individual's social survival and growth.



The level of psychological age is closely related to a person's genetics, personality, experience, environment and other factors, and even affected by the recent mood and other variables, it is not a "pathological noun", but a psychological development" Time parameter".


an examination

Related inspection

Mental age test

It can be diagnosed by a psychiatrist or by a psychological age test.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of psychological age less than physiological age:

1. The psychological age is smaller than the physiological age and should be distinguished from the tenderness. Their main difference is that the time parameters obtained during the psychological age test are significantly different.

2, mental retardation: mental retardation (mental retardation), also known as mental dysplasia or mental retardation, can be caused by a variety of reasons. Because its main symptom is mental impairment, it used to be called "intellectual deficiency." This is one of the most common mental disorders in childhood and lasts for the rest of your life. The main manifestation is that the intelligence is significantly lower than the average during development, accompanied by impairment of adaptive behavior. The so-called development period refers to before the age of 18, the so-called intelligence is significantly lower than the average refers to the two standard deviations of the IQ below the normal average (ie less than 70), the so-called adaptive behavioral defect refers to the age and cultural background, Cannot meet social and personal requirements.

Because of the different statistical methods of each survey, the reports of prevalence vary widely. The diagnosis is often based on the intelligence test. At present, because the intelligence test has not been widely carried out in China, it has not been screened according to IQ, so often only the heavier patients are noticed. According to surveys in some areas, the prevalence of moderate and severe patients is slightly higher than 0.1%, more men than women. Some people think that mild mental retardation has little effect on society, and it is sometimes difficult to draw a clear line with normal boundaries. Therefore, its prevalence is difficult to obtain accurately. It is mainly an educational problem, not a clinical medical problem.

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